Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Detriot (OK, Detroit) city workers finally figure out who the patsy was

The old saying goes that if you are doing a deal in Vegas and you don't know who the patsy is, its you.  That goes double today for the once great city of Detroit.  Unfortunately, Detroit is a microcosm of America.  Today CBS news reported that a federal judge declared the obvious: the "once proud and prosperous city...can’t pay its debts".  Well no duh Sherlock.  That was obvious a decade ago.  Yet few Americans really understand what it means to the whole country.

The USA is running a global debt Ponzi.  The once conservative republicans have joined with the liberal democrats to engage in a spend-a-thon of historic and frightening proportions.  The key aspect of this Ponzi is the Wimpy concept.  That is, "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today".   Of course, both of the parties are fully guilty of this and each of their parts of the scam will unravel in a different way and affect a different set of constituents.  But the liberal democrat side (AKA big labor) is going to really screw their something-for-nothing believer constituents.

Let me give that more color.  The GOP side of things was never very good to its low level workers.  GOPs practiced "trickle down" economics.  The con men at the top got outsized profits for adding nearly zero (and sometimes negative) economic benefit to society.  But they were smart enough to let a few crumbs fall off the table down to hard working capitalists.  If you were at the top of the smart curve and if you worked hard under the GOPs then you got pretty well taken care of.  Why?  Because they knew they could not implement anything themselves.  So engineers got paid.  Not as well as the con men paid themselves, but pretty darned well.  However, pay went down pretty quickly as you went down the pecking order.  If you were a janitor under the GOPs, you got minimum wage and you were told you should be happy to have a job. 

So the GOPs were dirtbag scum but at least they didn't throw money at every twerking idiot who was ever born.  No, that was the role of the liberal democrats. They told their constituents that being a janitor for the government should come with high pay, high benefits, and gosh darn it, a lifetime pension for 20 years worth of work.  In fact, every stupid asshat in the world who wanted to be paid more than the free market was willing to give them simply had to vote liberal dem and they could go apply at the DMV or CPS or some other useless (or dangerous) government three letter agency.  The problem with this socialistic generosity was twofold:
  1. While the dick faces at the liberal top got waaaay overpaid (just like those on the GOP side), people below them were all treated as sort of equals without much pay difference (relative to GOPs at least) between the capable and the incapable.  Everyone was basically used as a drone and those stupid enough to burn their lives in this environment all got dumbed down to the least common denominator because it simply did not pay to be ambitious.  There was no reward for working harder and smarter.  This was by design!  The socialists did not want to reward individual achievement.  They wanted to celebrate the fact that they needed a village in order to tie their shoes.  They wanted people to repeat to themselves "I didn't build that, it was all facilitated by a team which is controlled by dear leaders at the top".
  2. The GOPs saw the writing on the wall a long time ago with respect to pensions.  Outside of the "defense" industry (offense is a more appropriate title IMO), nobody in GOP/capitalist companies have gotten pensions for many years now.  While that may sound like a bad thing, it was really the honest thing.  You work for 2 weeks and you get a paycheck. Do with it what you will, but come retirement, don't expect a pension.  With this understanding, employees demanded higher wages.  At least the ones that were worth keeping did.  The lower capability caste either just ate the loss of the pension or moved to another company (or became a liberal democrat working for the city in order to get benefits and a pension).
The reason that GOP/capitalists are better off today is because they know they are not getting any pension and so they have planned for it.  In addition, they got paid up front because of it.  But the liberal dem public pension crowd is just now getting "Detroited" as I have long warned would be the case.  Not because anyone wants to rip them off, but because they were stupid enough to believe the pathetic, pathological liberal liars that were so against a free market system that it bribed workers to stay around in exchange for a pension that they knew was mathematically impossible to deliver to all their workers.  Like any Ponzi, the first ones to retire and collect sucked all the value out of the system and everyone else is now left holding an empty paper bag.

The entire country will experience the same sort of thing.  It won't even matter at the end of the day if you are lib/government drone or GOP/capitalist because the big promise that has been made to all of us is that the dollar has any value.  But, like the pensions, the value of the dollar has been stolen out the back door.  One day the US government will, again, like it did in 1971, default on the dollar.  It will come in the form of a default on our debt.  We will either default or we will massively inflate (which is the same thing using a different mechanism).

The only ones who will do OK are those that put zero long term trust in government funny money and who are setting themselves up to provide for themselves when the day of reckoning finally arrives.  There is no escape from this.  There is no way to avoid default.  There is just too much debt to pay.  EVER.  It is as predictable as the Detroit default was.  The debt is FAAAAAR more than the stated $17 trillion.  The debts come in all forms of unkeepable promises and nobody will admit that the system has no choice but to collapse (until it actually just collapses).  Just like Detroit declaring BK and screwing all those overcompensated government workers out of their retirement cash.

Now to all those liberal dem Detriot homies out there who thought they were going to get a lifetime pension: back to work you fools. And this time, don't accept wooden nickels or Wimpy promises of any other kind lest you get Madoffed YET AGAIN, patsy.  Take it from someone who predicted your current situation would happen years in advance: do not store your long term wealth in paper dollars!  Government can (and eventually will) default on them not because it wants to but because there will be no other mathematical choice.  Once bitten, twice shy and all that, OK?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is perhaps one of your best posts!

There already are a few third-world countries and banana republics in America; Detriot has just been declared that it's de facto been one for decades.

Made in the United Banana States of America.

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