Monday, October 21, 2013

INTERPOL finds a clue regarding personal protection.

OK, I have to admit I'm a bit taken aback by the news story today regarding INTERPOL's new stance on personal protection.  It seems that they finally figured out that if you entrust all of your personal security to someone else that they won't be there for you when you need it.  It's not that they don't want to be there.  It's that there simply isn't enough money in the world to provide each of us a 24/7/365 bodyguard.  The solution?  Either build fortresses around every facility (which will stop people from wanting to go there) or "allow civilians to carry their own guns to protect themselves".

All of this new awakening by the nannycrats was driven by aftermath thinking about the carnage caused by mass shootings in Nairobi, Kenya recently.  Well, it's great that the fools and idiots in charge of protecting people finally come to their senses about the reality of being able (or unable) to protect people where they need it.  Too bad so many people had to die before the fools finally figured out what has been obvious to gun advocates since the first time we ever fired a gun: nobody cares about your safety like you do.  NOBODY.  Thus, it is a fool's errand to agree to allow someone else to do the impossible.  If you do that, you end up with exactly the result you deserve: the hope of real time protection without any basis in reality for holding such hope.  In other words, a happy delusion.

Here's my favorite quote from the article, the one that shows real thinking is happening instead of just making blind statements to the press:
"Ask yourself: If that was Denver, Col., if that was Texas, would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly?" Noble said, referring to states with pro-gun traditions. "What I'm saying is it makes police around the world question their views on gun control. It makes citizens question their views on gun control. You have to ask yourself, 'Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat of terrorism?' This is something that has to be discussed.""

To be fair, the con men have always known the truth of the matter.  But as long as the global credit Ponzi was in the growth stages, the unrest of people globally could be contained because relatively few were very angry.  But now that the collapsing debt Ponzi is beginning to default on promises of all kinds, only a fool would expect not to have a dramatic rise in violence.  Besides, I'm pretty sure that mall attendance got whacked pretty good by that event and nothing gets the con men's attention like declining profits.

In many cases, the violence simply reflects the mood of the herd.  I don't believe that all the recent school shootings in the US and abroad are because the children got screwed out of their job or their pension or any other Ponzi promise.  But I do believe that there is a mood to the herd in general and that this plays on the psyches of everyone in the herd, especially the young and the weak.  While some of us are more susceptible than others to the negative blanket of bad economic sentiment, nobody I know is a happy lark.  Even people who fully know what is going on, what a scam the whole global debt Ponzi really is and how it got like this are not immune.  Getting through Kubler-Ross helps one not to panic about the matter at hand but it does not remove the wet blanket of a stagnant and continuously falling economy. 

What interests me about the INTERPOL statement is that instead of demanding more money to do the impossible (as still seems to be the case for US law enforcement), INTERPOL basically admitted that they cannot be everywhere at once.  Once they did that, the lowest cost, most efficient solution is to allow each individual to restore unto himself the majority of the responsibility for self protection.  It's not that they wanted to admit this, it's that the facts are becoming too undeniable to do otherwise.

In any case, I applaud INTERPOL's awakening and I hope Obama and the nanny statists in the US follow suit at some point and just make open carry completely legal across the USA.  I think this would have a far more positive effect than the central planners understand.  Without relieving anyone of their responsibility to remain within the law, it would send a message to every citizen that they need to take more responsibility for some of the things in their lives that have been outsourced to government up until now (whether or not it was done willingly).  Once people feel like they've retaken a bit of control in their lives then they will naturally feel better about things without even really understanding why.  I think what bothers people the most is the feeling of spiraling down the $hitter without any control of what's going on at the flush handle.  Give the people back a sense of self sovereignty and things will get better.

Of course I hold no hope for this to happen until the US credit rating collapses and stops us from continuing to borrow more money so cheaply.  Until then the central planners and con men will continue racking up the debt until it blows sky high.  This has to be their plan because, honestly, what other solution is available to them?  For each dollar they spend, 10-20 cents of it goes down a corruption rat hole thus incentivizing them to continue the game.  But this is a game that cannot last forever and with statements like this coming from INTERPOL it tells me that they are nearly at the breaking point.  Again, con men and liars don't just give up the con and walk away.  They stop when the con goes bust or is in great danger of an imminent bust.


Anonymous said...

I don't read this is such a benign way. To me the INTERPOL will now just focus on serving the elite which created it and sack the token role of serving the people when it was pacific. I read this as the INTERPOL giving the people a finger and taking the kid's gloves off.

The Captain said...

Heh, thanks for the comment. It's not often I get called an optimist! Seriously though, the elite do not need to enable citizen to have guns or to publicly bless the carrying of them for self defense in order to abandon them while showing the finger. In fact, the trend has been to show the finger, slap the face, and then make it impossible for people to do anything about it by virtue of not having guns. At the same time, it may also be their way of saying "$hit gonna hit the fan soon, perhaps we should give some of the poor slobs a fighting chance against those with nothing to lose in an all out collapse.". Heck, maybe they want us to have guns so that when criminal gangs take over the elite have something entertaining to watch on the tele-screens...

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