Sunday, September 11, 2011

911 ten years on

Lots of social website messages and news media articles are going out today to remember those who lost their lives as a result of the 911 terrorism.  It is indeed worth pausing to reflect on the happenings of that day.  I remember seeing the 2nd airplane hit the towers on a TV at work after having been alerted by co-workers that the first crash had occurred.  Like everyone else, I was astonished and pushed back by what I had just witnessed.

On that day the USA was clearly the recipient of well planned extremist terrorist attacks.  Nothing can subtract from the sadness over the loss of life of those completely innocent civilians who perished in the aircraft attacks on the twin towers and on the Pentagon.  They were clearly victims.  In addition, nothing will ever tarnish the bravery and dedication of the firefighters and police who did not shirk their duty in the face of grave danger but who rather rushed into the buildings to save others, knowing the whole time that it was a very dangerous act.  As to those who participated in the cleanup act who later died of cancer or who are suffering long term strange illnesses, they are just as much victims as those who perished on the planes during the impacts as well as during the collapse of the buildings.

In my heart and mind I hold a special place for the occupants of flight 93.  I do not consider them as much victims as they are war heroes. For whatever reason, including lack of opportunity to fight, victims just take what is coming to them.  They accept their fate or they never have a chance to react because they never see it coming.  It does not diminish their loss but it is not an act of heroism either. 

The passengers of flight 93 were war heroes.  They could have just believed the soothing words of their attackers that things would be alright if they would just agree to be victims.  They could have cowered on their knees at the back of the plane and hoped for the best.  Instead, they stood tall as they gathered intelligence using cell phones and determined that they had been caught up in an act of war.  They decided that self determination was better than being victimized.  They then decided as a group to form their own strike team and they carried out their self-assigned counterattack mission to the best of their abilities using whatever weapons they had on hand.  They knew there was little chance of saving themselves but they foiled the mission of those who wanted to use the aircraft as a guided missile against US targets. This was not their job.  They were not trained nor equipped for what they did.  But they were not hapless victims and I will never remember them as such.  They were brave combatants, a flash militia if you will, all deserving of the highest military commendations that our nation has to offer.

So how should we remember the victims and honor the heroes of 911?  It's a question each of us must answer for ourselves.  For me, true honor and respect for them has to start with giving them all a real, non-government controlled investigation of what happened so that all involved in nefarious acts of complicity or intentional profiteering from the disaster can be held accountable.  Questions about these things remain in the minds of the observant and of the vigilant. 

Arrogant government is on record as believing that it takes extreme acts to get the people of the USA to move in a particular direction.  Government has said on more than one occasion that it never wants to let a serious crisis go to waste.  When you understand how the mind of the government bureaucrat thinks, it's a very short leap of logic to start creating your own manufactured crises in order to drive public opinion and thus achieve public backing for whatever scam the government wants to profit from.  It's been suggested and even admitted by well placed members of the government that the Gulf of Tonkin incident which was the excuse to enter the Vietnam war was completely manufactured.  Warmonger LBJ is clearly on tape chomping at the bit to go kill people but he needed an excuse because without the backing of the people, any president is powerless regardless of what any laws on the books might read.  LBJ needed a false flag operation and so he made one happen.

We can either just ignore this pattern of documented abuse of power or we can come to the grips with the fact that it is human nature for absolute power to corrupt absolutely.  We can just all sit around and sing Kum-Ba-Ya and talk about the losses that occurred or we can each get involved to demand a real investigation of what happened.  If a real investigation determines that government abuse was involved in 911 or its after math then we the people need to ferret it out lest we continue to be treated as patsies and fools and disposable victims and pawns by those running the show.  I can think of no greater personal tribute to those who lost their lives or loved ones as a result of 911 and its aftermath than to demand a real investigation into all aspects of the incident starting with the collapse of Building WTC7.  If you want to educate yourself on this matter, you can start with this 15 minute video

If people will not take the time to educate themselves on this matter then I have to question the sincerity of their stated regrets and sympathies regarding the matter of 911.  Talk is, at the end of the day, still quite cheap.

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