Monday, February 21, 2011

Has the USA needed to be the world's policeman all these years?

Today's news reports that two Libyan fighter pilots defected with their aircraft to Malta instead of carrying out government orders to bomb civilians. Gadhafi is failing.  This is absolutely wild because it means that the pilots feel such global eyes upon them that they would rather be named enemies of the state than carry out the evil despotic orders of a tyrant.  Obama got the Nobel peace prize for doing basically nothing.  In a fair world he would give that prize to those two brave pilots who defied the direct orders of a maniacal despot at great risk to their safety and that of their families.

At this point, Gadhafi is a dead man walking.  There is no way he can stop the protests without heavy handed threats and violence from his military hit squad and he has already ordered his helicopters to live fire on the crowds resulting in many deaths.  If he doesn't flee the country soon then his own cronies will turn on him a-la-Caesar or the people will break though his defenses and capture him.  In that case his worthless life will be cut short by the mob.  Even if he manages to escape I believe that his behavior has been horrific enough to be charged with war crimes and then executed by a formal tribunal.  This means Gadhafi is in it until the end.

At this point all the corrupt and despotic governments of the Middle East are fighting for their lives.  In true Ponzi collapse fashion, it seemed to go from a simmer to boiling over in the blink of an eye.  All of this should be proof that the world does not need the US to be the global policeman.  Have people died in their recent quests for freedom?  Yes, of course they have because freedom isn't free and it never has been.  But if you look at the staggering numbers those who died in the U.S. led overthrow of Saddam, the death toll is 100 or even 1000 times as high as what we are seeing today.  Thinking people have to believe that freedom has the lowest cost and the longest lasting effects when the affected people take care of their own problems in their own ways.  That's because when a 3rd party becomes involved it brings with it a separate agenda which clashes with what many of the local people wanted.  Foreign intervention in civil war is a Trojan horse which will end up with a foreign controlled puppet government.

Ron Paul has been teaching us this wisdom for a couple decades now.  Given that we are 14 trillion in debt and given that our deficit is growing by nearly 1.5 trillion annually, it makes perfect sense to slash the military budget massively and to bring our troops home to defend our own borders as outlined in the constitution.
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