Saturday, April 13, 2019

Robert Di Niro is losing control of his mind.

Dailywire reports that has been actor Robert DiNiro is threatening GOP voters that leftists who take over from Trump are not going to forget that they supported Trump.  Wow.  Can you feel the fear?  Scarrrrry!  I always find it comical that people with no guns think they are a credible threat against those of us that are armed to the teeth.  What a walking talking living legend of a rabid liberal joke De Niro has become.  Of course, De Niro has already been shown to be a barking dog with no bite but each time he gets loud it tends to point to a liberal decline coming soon.  In other words, he's been a contrarian indicator for several years now.

Today he and other Trump haters are still operating under the delusion that Trump is going to be arrested and publicly perp walked for collusion in Russia.  No, really.  They honestly still believe this!  Never mind that the Mueller report was already completed and that Mueller himself said "no new indictments, no evidence of collusion, no conclusion about obstruction".  And then Mueller released the report to AG William Barr who certainly is not a Trump hater and more likely is a Trump supporter because Barr not only rendered an opinion about no Trump criminality but then flipped on the dems and said there likely was criminality on their part.  Following AG Barr and deputy AG Rod Rosenstein joint decision not to indict Trump on obstruction, Mueller said nothing. He did not come out to refute that interpretation.  The great Mueller hope of the dems has washed his hands of it now and I don't think he will want to jump back in later on.

So now the dems think that the redacted release of the report is going to generate a different outcome leading to the perp walk of a sitting president whose popularity is almost exactly split at 50/50 approve/disapprove as of 2019-04-12?  That is the dictionary definition of having a delusion.  It is a strong belief in something despite overwhelming evidence and facts to the contrary.  What is really going to make the dems look stupid is their flip flop on Mueller approval simply for not getting out of him the conclusion that they had hoped for.  Mark my words, the delusional dems talked about Mueller being their white knight who would deliver justice in a fair and impartial way, blah blah blah.  But that was only true as long as they thought he was going to support their mass delusion.  When it not only comes out that the Mueller report supports Barr's conclusion of no crime BUT ALSO points out wrong doing on the left during this attempted coup, Mueller will quickly turn into the Devil in the eyes of these same rabid liberals.  He will be called a traitor for not delivering the fake, railroaded "justice" that they have been expecting, begging, demanding.

All the while, more and more centrist dems are looking at this folly and they are waking up to the fact that their figurehead leadership really doesn't represent their views.  Most dems are not rabid liberals but the far rabid left is painting them all with the same brush.  As the likes of Di Niro get embarrassed by the divergence of facts from their delusional opinions it is going to unsettle a huge part of the dem support matrix.  They will in increasing numbers recognize that conservatives are the more reasonable players in this debate.

And this is how the conservative wave spreads.  Loss of stature makes those getting pushed off the hilltop engage in even more desperate behavior.  They think they can use crazy to retake the hill but all it does is erode their support base.  There are zero movements right now to leave the GOP and go DEM but there are several #walkaway type movements that are in the early growth stage where the DEM->GOP exodus is obvious.  Dems think they can replace the defectors with needy immigrants who they think they will be able to give voting rights to ASAP.  But those people will need to be taken care of and you can't spend money there AND buy the next election both at the same time.  At the end of the day we will find Trump gets his 2nd term and liberal states that tried to stack the deck with immigrant influx are simply left with the bill of supporting all these needy people.

This is a big deal because states like CA will be under pressure to raise taxes of all kinds in order to pay for it and all that will do is chase the producers out even faster.  And when the producers are gone and all that are left are the poor then California will go bankrupt and there will be incredible political and social turmoil in the aftermath of the failure of this massive liberal infestation.

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