Thursday, April 11, 2019

Stormy Daniels needs a new lawyer.

Michael Avenatti represented Stormy Daniels in her obviously true affair with Trump.   So Trump had to pay up some hush money and deal with the truth in front of his family.  Not good.  But Trump survived the event with his wife and son intact and with minimal political battle damage.  But now the counter-punch has been sent and Avenatti is going down for the count.  Not being black and gay like Smollett, Avenatti has no chance; the white man of privilege is done.  Some sources are reporting that his 36 indictments would add up to over 300 years in jail if guilty on all counts.

During the liberal expansion years, elite people like politicians, lawyers, CEOs, actors, etc. all got preferential treatment under the law.  Either the charges would not be brought at all (as was the case with Cosby for many many years despite complaints being filed about him) or they would get a fine (very common with businesses who would pay the fine without having to admit any guilt).  All of this is totally corrupt behavior and IMO especially the part that the "justice" system played in it.  I mean, you can't fault a thief and a con man for doing in society what they do.  They were "born that way" just as much as LGBTQ was.  It is well known that there are personality traits which are found far more often in criminals than in honest folks.  Just once I think it would be good spectacle to see a hardened criminal tell the courts that they identify as a person who has never committed a crime and so should be released immediately because it is their reality.  Please, God, before I die, let me see it just once....

In any case now that liberalism is in a major topping formation, all of this liberal cronyism garbage is going to come under fire.  And that means we will see politicians, CEOs and a lot of scumbag lawyers getting serious time in the slam going forward.  Being a lawyer will no longer be a license to steal from everyone.  Heck, Avenatti is just the tip of the iceberg.  We also saw this week that Obama white house law dog Gregory Craig has been indicted based on lying about his work with Ukrainian officials.  He is now exposed to 5 years in the slam if sound guilty.

As you can see, there are less and less get out of jail free cards and more and more elite getting actual jail time.  Another example is those Hollywood college admissions cheaters who got caught in operation varsity blues.  The smart ones rapidly took the plea deal and were forced to admit guilt to felony charges.  Sentencing has not been handed down yet but I strongly suspect that jail time must be a part of it because the herd is watching, the herd wants to see some blood and the herd always gets what it wants in the end.

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