Saturday, October 23, 2021

When something changes suddenly, intelligent people will look for root cause.

 Today the Epoch Times reports that:


Parents Warn of Their Children Being Subjected to Transgender Indoctrination

A story by three mothers
October 23, 2021 Updated: October 23, 2021

In the United States, a sharp rise in the number of children identifying as transgender has alarmed some parents. As these numbers rapidly grow, three mothers share the warning signs of transgender indoctrination.

The Child Transgender Numbers Explosion

A study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics released in May 2020 showed nearly 10 percent of high school students in just one school district identified as gender-diverse. That 10 percent figure is far higher than past estimates, such as a 2017 government survey of U.S. high school students, in which only 1.8 percent said they identified as transgender. While some studies suggest the higher rate of suicide and attempted suicide among transgender children is related to non-affirmation, other research shows that the higher rate of suicide and attempted suicide among adolescents with gender dysphoria is more related to their know history of other psychiatric diagnoses and self-reported emotional and behavioral problems. While the study called The Trevor Project—widely cited by those who push the affirmation-only approach to avoid self-harm—does show that a significant number of transgender youth admit the heavy use of drugs and alcohol, the study did not explore or provide any statistics regarding the preexistence of other psychiatric diagnoses or self-reported emotional and behavioral problems among the participants.


I do not claim to know the reason why all of a sudden we are seeing a 10x increase in these kinds of personality disorders in our young people but I can tell you with pretty good certainty that this is not normal, it's not good, and it won't end well.

Perhaps its because of the early hyper-sexualization of children in school.  This is one of the few plausible causes that I can see right now.  Kids are being told to write stories about pornographic fantasies, etc.  They are being read stories about children giving blow jobs to adult me.  It's pretty fucking disgusting.

There are four options to deal with this if you observe disturbing changes in your kid's behavior:

  1. Do nothing and hope your child is one of those who are not easily mentally abused.  These kids are old beyond their years and are more likely to laugh at the teacher or mock them in private than to be traumatized by their antics.  
  2. Pull your kid out of school.
  3. Sue.  Even if you have a very weak case, just the mention of lawsuit drives a chill through the predatory sexual deviant community.  Why?  Because lawsuits can and usually do result in testimony, depositions and affidavits.  They can also result in warrants.  Warrants to search a phone, a home PC, websites visited and many other things that can quickly unravel a sexual deviant's life.  A lawsuit is also a public accusation which is part of the public record.
  4. Take care of business off the books.  You can figure out all the possible meanings of this on your own.

Options 1-3 are time consuming and costly.  They can completely disrupt your life.  Thus I expect more and more cases where parents option for number 4.

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