Saturday, October 23, 2021

The worm has turned. Bombastic top level leftists now scrambling for cover.

We all know that the school system is overly populated with liberals.  There is a reason for this and it points right back to one of my most basic observations about the liberally wired brain which is that liberals tend to consume before they produce, or if possible consume without producing anything.  Conservatives tend to produce before consuming and many produce way more than they will ever consume.  

Producing is the act of achieving, of doing.  Given that, there is another old saying which is that those who can, do.  And those who can't (or won't), teach.  In fact it only makes sense.  Should a top producing farmer stop farming and instead try to teach farming? Not usually.  The reason is simple: things are often too complex to teach and those who are experts can't tell you up front what to do even though they themselves would know what to do when presented with the circumstance.

But I digress.  My point was that the schools are filled with liberals but not all of them are leftists.  There are lost of centrist liberals in the system who aren't mental defects.  The mistake that the far left is making is in thinking all liberals are leftists.  

In yet another clear evidence point that leftists are scrambling for cover, Epoch Times reports that the national school boards association was force to apologize over a letter that one of its woke members sent to the biden bozos requesting federal protection from "domestic terrorists".  That got everyone talking for a few days and it became clear that it was a bad idea to label soccer moms who simply do not want CRT taught to their kids as "terrorists".

At one point the article explains when the governing body of school board backed down and apologized: at least 20 states distanced themselves from the NSBA, citing disagreement over the way it has characterized concerned parents. Some have quit or moved to leave the NSBA.

So basically many of the school boards in more conservative states did not want to be part of the call for the FBI to treat moms like terrorists, and that is the top level organization backed down.  They got too outlandish and bombastic in their claims and when they looked back to see who was following them into the fight they learned the answer was "not enough to win".  Again, another example of how the liberals have no real convictions.  They just say whatever they want and if nobody follows they walk it back and try another scam.

National School Boards Association Apologizes Over Letter Comparing Parents to Domestic Terrorists

October 23, 2021 Updated: October 23, 2021

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) has apologized to its members on Friday for a letter that was previously sent to the Biden administration in which the school board group compared parents accused of trying to intimidate educators to domestic terrorists.

In a memo issued to NSBA members, the board said that “on behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter,” which was sent on Sept. 29, urging President Joe Biden to take action to stop what it described as “threats and acts of violence” against school boards, teachers, and others involved in the public education sphere.

“There was no justification for some of the language included in the letter,” the NSBA wrote. “We should have had a better process in place to allow for consultation on a communication of this significance. We apologize also for the strain and stress this situation has caused you and your organizations.”

It added that the NSBA deeply values “not only the work of local school boards that make important contributions within our communities, but also the voices of parents, who should and must continue to be heard when it comes to decisions about their children’s education, health, and safety.”

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