Saturday, October 16, 2021

The pushback on covid bullshit is now global.

It's rare to find any news source giving a broad picture of the state of a news item but The Hill has just released a good video showing that everyone everywhere has had enough of the liberal authoritarianism regarding covid.  Israel is an interesting case IMO because the people flocked to the vax initially in order to get their "I'm a good citizen" social score card called a vax pass.  But then once the vast majority was all "gooded up", the leaders changed the goal posts on them and required a booster lest their social score card be invalidated.

Well, anyone with a brain knows that the more of these shots you take, the higher the odds that the cumulative side effects will catch up with you.  So how many boosters of this poison shot are people really willing to take?  And of course, none of this is about covid because covid wasn't really about covid. Covid was about saving the Global Debt Ponzi from collapse.  And so those running this shit show need another new crisis in order to have people accept more currency printing, more empty shelves, more austerity, more draconian rules.  

I wonder what that next thing will be?  We know it can't be terrorism even on a large scale because they already played that card on 9-11.  If they do it again there is no way the citizens will allow them to cart away the evidence in record time like happened for 9-11. IF they do the big terrorism thing again, the con men will be caught and the Ponzi will collapse.

So we've ticked off terrorism and now we've ticked plandemic off the list.  What's left?  My money is on some kind of alien threat.  Yeah I know, sounds funny to hear but I have a pretty good track record on seeing these things before other people so stay your laughter for awhile and let's see what happens.

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