Saturday, October 16, 2021

Big government is a crime syndicate

Long ago I saw a sign on Ron Paul's desk saying don't steal, the government hates competition.

While most people just took it as a joke, my opinion of Dr. Paul is that he really doesn't have that great a sense of humor.  So it struck me that a lot of truth was probably being expressed by him in semi-jest.  I'd always know that government's had elements of corruption but like most people I generally thought the government was on the up and up in most cases.

But this sign got me to thinking and looking around more carefully.  Over time, it seemed that each new puzzle piece always pointed to big government being a lot more corrupt than I had ever thought possible in the US.  Sure, I was aware of massive corruption in third world shit holes but I was shocked to find that the US acts just like a 3rd world shit hole, except with much better PR.

Not long after it struck me that we are always going to have organized crime.  A certain segment of the population is simply wired to live like the cow bird, parasitically.  This is part of the human condition.  Always has been, always will be.  And so the lack of visible Chicago mob organized crime didn't mean there was no organized crime but simply that it had organized itself into a false appearance of honesty and honor so that it could parade around in front of our eyes without anyone noticing.  

As Don Henley wrote in his song entitled "Gimme What You Got" the lyrics:

You can arm yourself, alarm yourself

But there's nowhere you can run

Cause a man with a briefcase 

Can steal more money

Than any man with a gun

Some years later I came across Gerald Celente and his views seemed to match the facts pretty closely: big government is just organized crime.  Here is the latest from Celente which I think is a good summary.

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