Monday, June 28, 2021

Should doctors be held criminally liable for not using known working treatments on covid?

Please watch this vid where the recently fired Fox News reporter Ivory Hecker presents the story that Fox top brass would not air.  It could literally save your life if you catch covid.   

In it, Hecker interviews a Houston doctor - Dr Joseph Varone who is the chief of staff at United Memorial Medical Center.  Varone has been saving people who would certainly have died at other hospitals where the doctors did as they were told and avoided even talking about, much less administering ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

As a result, Varone lost only about 6% of his hospitalized patients whereas the national rate is 15-20% deaths once you go into the medical industrial complex.  That's a huge delta and the only difference is that he avoided ventilators and had the courage to ignore what the establishment demanded he do and instead he did what it took to save his patient's lives.  

This doctor has been trying to get his story out since covid broke out and has been interviewed 1600+ times, but each time the news tried to make it a human interest story about how many days in a row he had worked and completely ignored his amazing track record for success.

It does not surprise me at all that this is happening.  I do not claim to know the exact reason why those who are doing it are in fact doing it.  Maybe they want to kill people.  Maybe they want to push everyone into taking their fucking shot.  I don't claim to know.  But I can easily conclude here that they know they are killing people and their agenda is more important.

Of of the case studies presented by Hecker is where guy was dying of covid in another hospital, going down fast with very little lung capacity left.  His wife, who wisely lost confidence in the shit bags running that hospital, got him moved under the care of Varone over at United Memorial.  It is the personal testimony of this victim of the medical industrial complex that he went from "pretty near death" to the picture on the right "within hours".


What's been going on is nothing short of mass treason against the people of the united states and when the gullible sheeple finally wake up to the fact that they have just been personally 9-11'd there is going to be Hell to pay.

Thank G_d for people like Varone who are standing up to the establishment and putting the lives of patients above political correctness and orders from on high not to see how damned naked the emperor is.  And congrats to this man for having married right.  His wife knew she was going to lose her man and instead of being intimidated by a bunch of cowardly losers in the medical "profession" she went online, did her own research and got her man transferred away from the fucking assholes who were just going to sit there and watch him die because they were "following orders".

We need to hunt down who is giving these orders and treat them to a traitor's fate.  If you are not hopping mad about this there is something seriously wrong with you.

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