Monday, June 28, 2021

Something very strange is happening.

You've seen it from me a million times. If I think something is defective, I often refer to it as "gay".  It's a California thing from when I was a kid (believe it or not). In fact I was having lunch with another guy in high tech out in Sunnyvale and I mentioned some feature about a car (he's a car nut) and he shocked me by saying "that's gay".  I almost fell out of my chair laughing and he didn't know why.  I guess some habits die hard.

And that brings me to the recent commercials by the NFL which start off with "football is gay".  I have never seen or heard anyone use "that is gay" as a compliment.  And while I don't care for football, my co-worker does and I can only think what went through his mind when he first saw that commercial.  These people are somehow under the impression that everyone is liberal woke and so let's go full libtard marketing on them.

All I can say is "big mistake".  The people who watch football put up with gay shit even though they don't like it.  And they damned sure don't like having it crammed down their throats. I predict that interest in US football is about to take a big ass decline, perhaps which it will never recover from because if that is going to be their mentality then football is gay and not in a good way.

It all makes me wonder what is happening here.  Are leftists now in charge of the opinion polls and thus free to cheat on them like they did in the elections?  We all know that businesses use these polls for making advertising spend decisions.  I would love to know what compelled the NFL PR and marketing team to select this insanely stupid ad campaign.n  It is absolutely the stupidest choice they could ever have made.

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