Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Nebraska Governor draws a real red line in the sand.

It's clear that biden is coming for our guns.  A lot of stupid weak ass people would probably comply.  But people like me who know that freedom will always be spelled "AR15" will not give up our guns.  We will not comply with a mandatory buy back.  We will not comply with uncompensated confiscation.  We simply will not comply.  In fact, many of us will go on record saying we are not complying and if the cops want to do something about that, well, bring it.  Because we know that those who cower and hide with their guns are not patriots.  They are simply hoarding something that they never intend to use for the cause of freedom.  But yes, biden will make executive orders and his stolen government will make laws.  But I think many will be like me and just say, the Hell with you, I will not comply.  

And that, dear readers, is where it gets dangerous.  Because if too many people decide it is time to stand up at the same time, it could light off a movement which renders the federal government powerless.  Of course, that would definitely involve unwanted bloodshed. And that's why I congratulate Nebraska's Governor Ricketts who has just declare Nebraska a second amendment sanctuary city.  And why not?  The liberals led the way in not following federal laws in order to push their agenda so they have kicked that door wide open.  This is always the problem when you cross another red line: you can't go back.  You can't un-take it.  And you won't be the only one to eventually cross it.

Yes, the radical left, by its own prior actions under Trump, has just rendered all leftist edicts meaningless.  You see, if anyone is going to follow just and fair rules, it will be the long suffering conservatives.  But by using their sanctuary city ploy not to save something they already had but to advance their power in a way they never had, the right moral majority can feel very fair and just in rejecting all constitutional oversteps out of hand now.  It is obvious that this move by Ricketts is not radical like the left's move was.  The reason is simply that the left used their turn to obtain something that was not otherwise theirs whereas Ricketts is doing it simply to keep something that is already ours.  So while it may sound the same to many fools, it is not the same.  It's not even close.

The more power the left tries to grab, the more they will end up losing.

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