Saturday, April 10, 2021

An anti-tax movement is coming.

Now that the US is behaving like a failed nation state with massively contested elections, federal government living behind chain link fences and barbed wire, open borders for illegal immigration, and radical citizens taking over city blocks and becoming turf lords, what's next on the agenda?

Well, it seems pretty obvious to me that soon enough people will just stop paying their taxes.  They will begin to feel that there is taxation without representation.  That combined with rising food and cost of living and many will simply decide to opt out of the taxation system.  After all, the government has already proven that it doesn't really need the money.  Whenever it gets in trouble the federal reserve just taxes all dollar holders by printing up new fakebux.

Remember all those times that I wrote that hyperinflation is not caused by money printing per se but rather by loss of confidence in the issuing authority?  I have NEVER seen a government so unworthy of my confidence at the federal and state levels.  And for many Americans the local level is out of control as well.  Not so much in my neck of the woods these days but I don't live in a big city.

So I hereby predict that in the not distant future we will begin hearing about how people have stopped filing their income tax forms en masse.  The rich will continue to file but the middle class will begin to act like the poor class and simply not file if they think they are going to owe more tax.  The reason?  Because they will assume that after a few years it will all be forgiven anyway, just like student loans, just like eviction moratoriums, just like so many other steps the government has to take right now just to keep their Global Debt Ponzi from completely imploding in upon itself.

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