Sunday, March 8, 2020

Gun bans are a joke, and here is why

Stupid liberals think the answer for everything is "trust government".  They trust them with the economy no matter how many times the elite fuck the little guy over.  They trust the government with running the money supply no matter that the government defaulted on gold convertibility of the dollar.  They trust government statements about terrorist attacks no matter that history now admits that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was absolutely a false flag disinformation action by US government.

None of these things matter to liberals because rank and file don't know anything about history or economics.  What liberals DO know is what happens to them personally.  Today they still idiotically trust government to have a monopoly on protecting them but slowly they are awaking to the reality that it is better to carry a gun with you at all times because carrying a cop around is too heavy. 

Videos like this one show what happen to the weak when pack mentality is at play.  These animals kick and hit and rob a 15 year old girl in broad daylight.  The fact that she was not seriously injured is just random chance.  If she had struck her head on the pavement and died none of these criminal fucks would lose a night of sleep over it.

This is happening when the economy is supposedly as strong as it has ever been according to propagandist/liar in chief Trump.  What do you think is going to happen when the Global Debt Ponzi goes bust and police forces face massive staffing cutbacks?  Do you think the remaining coward cops will do double time to protect the citizens?  NO.  They will stop responding to 911 calls by anyone who is not important or well connected.  The elite own the cowardly police for the most part.

Look at the measly $2500 reward they offered in this case.  If I were a hood would I risk getting outed as a rat for that kind of chump change?  Hell no.  Next week's vig could easily be that much and the cops pay once whereas gang crime pays every week.

Sooner or later the idiot gun grabber wannabe liberals will figure out why people like me will NEVER give up our guns without a full on street war and you will find liberals not only drop the gun grab bullshit but in fact come to embrace personal ownership of guns after they actually awake from their liberal hypnosis.  They will finally realize that you cannot outsource personal security to a 3rd party which doesn't get paid directly by you and which doesn't know your name or actually care about you.  AT ALL.

Nobody is saying this gun grab reversal is coming except me right now, so why is it that I like my chances so much?  In short, big picture view. 

Get some.  Soon.  Or else.

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