Sunday, March 8, 2020

As expected, Warren leaves presidential race

Many months ago I predicted that Warren was not going to win the presidency.  For me the moment of recognition was when it was revealed that she lied about her ethnicity on her lawyer's registration card which is an official document.  But the real nail in her coffin was when the Cherokee Nation disavowed her publicly and Warren had to apologize for trying to steal their heritage.

Not that I think the dems in general have much chance in November as detailed in this post.  Yeah I was wrong about Beto being stronger than Biden and Sanders.  After I posted that post, Beto began to blow up badly by going into full blown leftist mode, the same thing that also happened to Warren.  However, I did suggest that her and Biden combined had about 5 % chance of winning the presidency and of that number Biden contributed 4.999%.  So that one I got right.

But back to Warren in specific.  I think Tucker Carlson captured her losing strategy very clearly in this video:
  • The fake Cherokee indian narrative hurt her
  • She played the victim card.  Nobody wants a victim for a leader.  Despite what everyone says, they will always pick someone who is effective over someone who is politically correct.  Warren's sin on this front is that she thought she was giving the sheeple what they wanted when in fact it was a complete mis-read on her part.  Leftists want to take over and for that they need a strong man who will victimize who ever it takes in order to achieve that goal.
  • She became increasingly crazy sounding as she saw her numbers sliding.  She began going full crazy leftist by promising everything to everyone for free.  But all that did was show how desperate and Hillary-like power mad she had become.  The herd easily sniffed this out and has shit bagged her as a result.
  • Most dems are not "woke" leftists!  These are the centrist dems I keep talking about.  The crazy left punches above its weight using the message multiplier called public media.  But at the end of the day centrist dems have more in common with me than then they do with the far left.    Tucker explained it like this.
So now its creepy uncle Joe vs. Trump.  Many predicted Trump would lose if the stock market cratered and right now the markets are threatening to do just that.  But nobody counted on Trump having political cover of corona virus during the melt down.  Without this political cover I think they would be right: everyone would say Trump's policies didn't work, they were just a bubble blowing machine (which they were and are).  But if a breakdown in markets and a recession can be blamed on coronavirus and if Trump does a good job in addressing the outbreak in the USA then he will be forgiven for a market collapse and in fact he might even get to say that it makes no sense to change horses in the middle of crossing a river of economic turbulence.

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