Thursday, January 2, 2020

Walmart is now on public notice concerning money laundering operations on its website.

On 12/15/2019 I opened an incident ticket with Walmart which simply said there was likely money laundering operations going on using their website as cover.  I provided a link to the offending listing.  Very quickly a support person (Erwin) got back to me asking me for further details even though sufficient details were provided in the initial ticket that I submitted.

Because of this, I was pretty sure they were going to do nothing about it (like the FBI did nothing about it when I reported similar activity to them some months ago) and so I put the judicial watch "crime tip" email on CC.  Well, all of a sudden old Erwin began talking about escalating the issue.  All of a sudden it actually begins to matter what the little guy says and thinks. 

They still have not provided any follow up but I'm going to keep bugging them about it until I see a result of some kind of investigation offered.  And each time I am going to CC judicial watch which is, as stated in my emails, the only effective investigative law enforcement agency that exists today.  The FBI DOJ, etc. have now all been proved to be corrupt.  You can't trust them in any way.  They are the enemy now.

I challenge all true patriots to become a thorn in the side of the corrupt system.  The elite are far more vulnerable to being taken down hard than ANYONE really imagines.  I mean, who would have thought that America's dad, Bill the drug rapist Cosby, would be put in jail for rape in a sentence that will probably last longer than he has left on this planet?  And things are just getting started in the elite take down front folks.  Each of these small looking darts has the potential to become deadly to those who have been cheating the system and cheating the people all this time.  If ever our efforts had a chance of being effective, that time is now.

To read this, scroll all the way down and then work your way up....


From: Walmart Customer Care []
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2019 6:47 AM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: I believe that those selling through your website are laundering money. [Incident: xxxxxx-xxxxx]

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.


I believe that those selling through your website are laundering money.

Response By Email (12/16/2019 06:47 AM)

Hi xxxx,

Thank you for contacting

I appreciate you bringing this to our attention so that we can deal with this immediately. Please know that I certainly understand your concern.

Since you have issue in seeing the price of the [items] that you see in, I am going to escalate this concern to our Customer Resolutions Team as they have the necessary resources to resolve this matter. You need not worry as our specialized teams are fully knowledgeable and capable to handle your concern..

If you have additional questions, please reply to this email or call us at 1-800-966-6546 and we'll be happy to assist you. Please know that we are always here to help. Your Walmart experience is most important to us.

Erwin M Customer Care

Customer By CSS Email (12/16/2019 02:40 AM)

This $25-$30 item is listed for sale for $5000.   I see this all over amazon as well. ne&wl12=186519472&veh=sem&gclid=Cj0KCQiA0NfvBRCVARIsAO4930m5X3atCvl5DUeNVHa4xsmvkYj1Nw7DsI5UHHBHDViaC14UNm0SxDUaAiA5EALw_wcB

It takes time and trouble to do this. Nobody is wasting their time here, they have a reason for doing it. I believe it is to launder money and leave a legit looking paper trail:

-         Person with money needing to be laundered lists the product with a ridiculously high price.  $5000 gauge is one example, $20000 marine bronze fitting is another example I have seen but many exist.

-         The person then has an accomplice buy the item he listed so the name of sender and receiver will be different.

-         The item is sent with tracking number and payment is made, listing the web link as the source of income.

-         Government gets a nice sales tax boost so, like the mafia they are, “nobody don’t see nothing”.

-         If ever brought to court they can argue that market sets prices and they never had any customers complain.  It will be up to the state to bring conspiracy charges, but only if the state is willing to forego the bribe being offered to it in the form of tax revenue.

All of this seems to be working now but some day someone’s going to call BS on this and Walmart probably doesn’t want to be associated with it when it leaks to the investigative reporters.

Oops, just leaked… Please find Judicial Watch on CC.  By the way, I reported this kind of activity to the IRS back in 3/2018.  Not a word from them which is why I am CCing Judicial Watch now.  They are the only effective law enforcement body I know of these days.



From: Walmart Customer Care []
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2019 6:59 AM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [I believe that those selling through your website are laundering money.]

Response By Email (12/15/2019 06:58 AM)

Hi xxxx,

xxxx, Irwin here, thank you  so much for letting me know that you believe that those selling through your website are laundering money.

If you have further information I would appreciate if you let us know.

I will be waiting for your replay to keep assisting you at best.


Irwin G Customer Care
Question Reference # 191215-002526

·        Date Created: 12/15/2019 02:38 AM

·        Date Last Updated: 12/16/2019 06:47 AM

·        Status: Escalated Tier 2

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