Thursday, January 2, 2020

If you want to know why the sheeple are finally awakening, read on.

When bellies are full and the sun is shining, the herd has a tough time thinking about the bad shit that might be happening all around.  But as the rising debt has less and less stimulative effect on the GDP (which I have clearly pointed out here in the recent Julia H. La Roche [I added the H, it stands for hotness ;  ] interview of Jeff Gundlach), the lower end job losses mount and the lower caste of society begins to lose hope for the future.

Losing hope might not seem very important but all many humans have is hope.  I would say that at least 80% of the population, even very smart people, factor hope as an integral part into their future plans.  And a large percentage of the population, maybe as much as 40%, considers hope their primary strategy because they simply have nothing else.

The worst things in society always happen when the herd loses hope.  After all, what have they got to lose by breaking bad once all hope is lost.  And according to Challenger Grey, layoffs in 2019 hit the highest level in 4 years.  Also, retail lost most of those jobs.  And we all know that retail is where people who have absolutely no saleable skills nor desire or perhaps ability to learn often end up.  In other words, the sub 100 IQ parking lot.

This is going to intensify and in fact we will begin to see jobs higher up the food chain being lost in increasing numbers soon.  It has nothing to do with the fake, made up trade war.  It has everything to do with the fact that we all accepted fake money as if it were real and we are now in the end year of the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi) which has been running since the federal reserve was created to debase and make worthless the US money supply starting on the day it was founded in late 1913.

I advise anyone with children to take their working kids aside regardless of how old they might be and explain the realities of what is going on.  When they get laid off they can feel worthless and society has taught them to be ashamed of it.  Kids must be made to understand that much of the pain that is coming is simply a scam and that they should be angry, not embarrassed, at the coming rapid decline in employment.  They should also be taught that their labor is not worthless but that they need to think long and hard about where to apply it. 

They should not have a job just for the sake of having a job but should rather work at something where their creativity cannot be easily replaced by automation.  And if none of that works out they should learn how to grow food and livestock and to live independently from The System if needed, because some day in their lives it might just be needed. Use the system for what it can provide but once it has no value add, stand apart from it and use their labor to make their own lives better as opposed to lining the pockets of leveraged industrialists.

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