Thursday, January 30, 2020

I sure hope coronavirus wasn't a miscalculation...

The US is perhaps the world's expert at game theory.  This is a real thing that is massively practiced in the upper echelons of US military.  Remember the 1983 movie, "War Games"?  That's real today.  Every scenario is mapped out based on current conditions to see the LIKELY outcome. 

Everyone knows that governments have been weaponizing viruses.  Nukes are too messy and the aftereffects last too long.  Shooting wars are long and drawn out and costly.  But a properly fought viral war, one with a virus that targets the enemy, could be fought with minimum expense, minimum collateral damage.  Not only that, it can be fought without admitting that it is being fought.  And further, even if those being attacked figure out they are being attacked, the problems at home rapidly overwhelm the resources and so fighting a shooting war is a non-option.  They either have a counter virus already in place to retaliate with or they lose the war as they spend their time watching their soldiers get sick and die.

The world is at an economic crossroads.  The US is going into debt exponentially.  Sheeple on the street don't see it but our government knows it.  They act like it doesn't matter but they damned sure know that it does.  The US MUST consume more than it produces in order to maintain the standard of living that it enjoys.  In many cases the standard is quite low but we do not have open starvation like so many nations do.  And the reason for this is that 50 fucking percent of the people in this country are on some kind of government support.  What happens when people stop "lending" us money (it will never be repaid so it is really a gift, not a loan)?  The carrying capacity of the country will plummet.  There will be shooting wars on the streets for resources that collapse.

The repo market is telling us that something is very wrong with our financial system.  It is flashing signs like Betelgeuse.  The oligarchs have rushed to plug the holes and kick the can down the road but the system is bigger than they are and sooner or later it will overwhelm them.  The game players know this and they have already calculated the damage that will occur when their Global Debt Ponzi collapses.  They can't stop it so what they really need is a good reason to blame it on.

I know for a 100% fact that our government conspired with others to bring down the twin towers along with WTC7 back on 9-11.  In pulling that stunt they tipped their hand to people like me.  I can never trust them again until the fake money supply collapses and a complete new system is put in place with jail time and justice for those who were in power at the time.  I probably will not live to see that.  So for the rest of my life I will never trust the US government on anything ever again.  And that's why I wonder greatly if this coronavirus was really an accident.  I say, let's watch and see how many orientals it targets vs. other races over time.  If the losers are overwhelmingly orientals then I'd have to wonder if this was not by design. 

Those running this country will kill half the world if it meant they can stay in power.  I'm not kidding about that.  They simply don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves and their ability to stay in power.  They can justify ANYTHING as being in our national interest/"national security".  And in fact, after they paint us into a corner with their money scames, their actions ARE in the national interest.  After they have stolen everything and left us all on the edge of a socioeconomic precipice, pulling some heinous act like killing off those who are challenging us could remove that pressure.  But at what cost?  I certainly do not want them doing this in my name.  Maybe I have 10-15 years of natural life left.  OK, 20 at the outside (but the last few years will be walking dead).  It's not doom and gloom, its assured reality given that I turn 60 this year.  I do not want to die with that kind of murderous, hateful treachery on my hands no matter how much it saves us from getting what we already deserve in terms of economic collapse.  I'd rather take the punishment for what we allowed while I am living and not defer the price until after I die because the price tag could be far higher the longer we wait.

1 comment:

  1. Wars are rackets to enrich the oligarchy, not to achieve victory over an enemy, real or putative. Whatever soldiers do in their spare time have nothing to do with the wars they die in. They're just fodder for contract bids.


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