Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Leftist propaganda vs. The Truth

I continue to see a bunch of articles being written by well meaning, well spoken but completely ignorant leftist wannabes talking about the same old things:

  • Rich white people are evil
    • No mention of rich blacks or others being evil as if Cosby never happened...
  • Capitalism doesn't work
  • Victim mentality
  • "They" owe "us" something
  • Anger vs understanding
  • Zero reflection upon history
  • "We don't like capitalism so socialism/communism must be better"
Here is the plain truth on all of it:

People are people.  If you look at history there are evil people of every color, race and creed.  Yes we all like to be reminded of Hitler but Pol Pot was evil too.  He is credited for killing between 13 and 30% of Cambodia's entire population.  And warlords of Africa are well known for their massive atrocities.  Communist China has killed its share.  India and Pakistan are people killers too.

To pick out the scams of white males while ignoring all of our contributions is simply childish if not a sign of mental instability.

Humans will take advantage of weakness.  Bill Cosby isn't white.  He preyed upon many white women.  He saw weak minded fools trying to go places on his coat tails and he used their weakness to take advantage of them.  All Cosby did was prove he is a human who chose to take advantage of a situation.  It's very difficult not to do that.  It's built into our brains to be opportunistic and unfortunately that means never giving a sucker an even break.  At the same time, it is the nature of the world to test those who would like to survive.  In the same way that viruses test which humans should live. If you let weaklings prosper then you eventually have a race full of weaklings.  When people are tested they get stronger.  I'm not saying it's good or its fun or even that it's fair.  But arguing with the nature of a thing is like walking up to a lion in the wild and then being offended when he eats you.  Your sensibilities do not mean anything.  Real is real.  Truth is truth.  We all need to be situationally aware so that those who would take advantage of our weakness are not given the opportunity.  If you avoid stupid behavior you will avoid 90% of the danger associated with living.

Capitalism requires capital.  I am so tired of seeing people who have never experienced capitalism tell me how it doesn't work.  We have not have had capitalism since 1972 and even before then we had pseudo capitalism because if someone is gaming the money supply (like the US oligarchs did between 1945-1971) then it  cannot be called real capitalism.  DEBT IS NOT CAPITAL.  Neither is night day.   Neither is good bad.  Debt is anti capital.  It is far worse than no capital; it is negative capital.  If you have debt you have to work for capital just to break even.  Our money supply is absolutely fraudulent and as such it is the basis not of capitalism but of crony capitalism.  These people create debts to be paid off later so that they can consume something today but they don't tell you these are "gift loans".  Nobody expects to pay them back.  They are gaming the fake money supply so that they have something without having worked to earn it.  In this way they privatize their gains and eventually socialize their massive losses.  Anyone who does not understand this basic truth should just shut the fuck up because children should not be allowed to speak at the adult table.

Crony capitalism v. socialism: why no third option?  The only choices we are offered by the elite are one form of slavery or another.  We can vote for that shitbag Hillary or the spendaholic debt monster Trump.  Why do we keep falling for this?  Why can't we listen to people like Ron Paul or Ross Perot?  People talk about being victims but it is ALL self inflicted.  Everyone wants to vote for a system that will hopefully put them in power without having done the work required to earn it honestly.  People seem to be going out of their way to avoid talking about making the system fair so that they can earn their way into a prosperous future.  Everyone wants something for nothing.  After all, see the section above "people are people".

History is our best guide to the future.  Why not try listening?  Henry Ford famously said, "it is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".  And the constitution of the US says, "no state shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender is payments of debts.".  Was Henry Ford an idiot?  Were the framers of the rules which gave rise to the most powerful, productive and prosperous nation in the history of man now to be considered stupid?  Why do people have such a difficult time saying "well, what we are seeing is not new"?
"There is nothing new in the world except the history that you don't know"
- Harry S. Truman

There are many, many people saying 95% truths right now but that last 5% omission is a deal breaker.  Without that last 5%, people are just talking about symptoms, not root cause.  Look around the web.  You just don't see many people stating the truth in its most simple form which is that there is no "they" who are oppressing us.  WE OPPRESS OURSELVES by willfully accepting fake money as if it were real.  If we simply stopped doing that en masse, the scam would collapse in a week.  But people don't want the scam to collapse because they know there will be short term pain.  So they keep chasing after childishly fucked up solutions which will only lead to far larger problems.

Today there is clearly an economic divide but aside from the occasional police abuse of citizens, government does not openly oppress us.  There are many reasons for this but the leftists are trying to remove all of those safeties.  If they are allowed to succeed then yes, we will have blatant government oppression of American citizens.  There will be mass killings of people voicing opposition positions.  Elections, even as fake and staged as they currently are, will disappear.  Shortages will be rampant and quality of life will tank for the poor.  The elite will still live in luxury off the backs of the people, perhaps even more so than they do today.

We can take the system down so simply.  Stop asking the government to help you because government doesn't give a fuck about you and it never will.  Only morons believe otherwise.  Stop holding their fake money as if it were real.  Buy gold and silver bullion coins with your excess cash.  Save for the long term outside of their fake money supply. If enough people do this, the fake money supply, which is the energy source for the elite, will collapse.  And it must collapse before change can occur.  Until that happens we are just doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result.  Albert Einstein is credited with calling that the definition of insanity.


  1. Accepting their fake money, obeying their laws, voting for them, dying in their wars... Why wouldn't they tread on the people? It's their nature.

  2. Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. Never give a sucker an even break. People have to stop being suckers if we want any substantive change.


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