Friday, August 24, 2018

Liberals are getting the message one smackdown at a time by the new conservative system.

Peak liberalism is certainly upon us.  The smartest of the liberals, those at the top of the food chain, have already figured it out.  As predicted in these pages long ago, they have correctly observed the tide change and they do not want to get swept out by it.  Up until recently it was in their best interest to have the backs of their less intelligent, more easily carried away underlings.  After all, every war needs both generals and soldiers.  But the liberal generals know that the war is lost for this cycle and so they are no longer fighting the old war.  Worse yet, they are no longer backing their foolish underlings up when they make dumb, loud mistakes.

Recent case in point was a liberal Utah college TA who tried to make up her own laws in her classroom.  Those who celebrated Utah's open carry laws by open carrying were to stand at the back of the class in a punishment area.  Talk about childish.  In any case that lasted about 4 seconds before people complained, the TA had to apologize and was removed from teaching duty.  It says for a semester but it means "forever".  That "for a semester" stuff is just an attempt to save face.  The teaching career of that TA is over before it began.

This news is echoing through the halls of academia and those who would have behaved like this, thinking that the herd would have their back, are now getting the message that nobody has their back if they go full liberal like this.  Instead, they will be thrown under the next bus that comes along.  There people aligned themselves with the liberal movement because they thought it was the power structure of society.  And in fact it was.  But upon seeing so many liberal antics failing badly in the past 3 years they will be a lot more careful about what they do in support of "the cause".  Many of them will go dead center and some of them will roll all the way over to the idiotic far right.  Not because they believe in anything but simply because that's where they will feel like part of the up and coming herd.

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