Sunday, August 26, 2018

Gilbert Gottfried is a crude SOB, but he's right.

For some time now I have been predicting the fading of American football.  Why?  Because it's essentially liberal in nature and peak liberalism has come and gone for this cycle.  For people who don't understand the link between liberalism and football, consider this. Conservatives do not purposely ruin or break things.  They know that times of plenty are not guaranteed and in fact are cyclic in nature.  Thus, they conserve what they have.  Waste not want not.

Liberals essentially live the notion of creative destruction.  Essentially, when people have everything they need, they stop buying more.  So go destroy that somehow in order to get them to buy more.  Wars are a great example of creative destruction.  Sure, lots of people have to suffer in the destruction part but at the end of the day its better for the survivors.  And the elite get to pick the winners and losers of this.  Its the essence of boom and bust.  This theme has been subtly broadcast in liberal media sources for a long time.  Did you catch the latest big example of it?  Hint: Marvel entertainment.

The answer is none other than the movie Infinity War.  Look at the title.  War for infinity.  Why?  Because without war people eventually have enough stuff, and they don't need to consume more.  So the liberal mindset is that war is good.  Now, review the theme of the movie: the most powerful guy in the universe kills half of the population in order for the other half to have prosperity.  They say it in so many words.

Things like cash for clunkers was another example of it liberal creative destruction.  Short sighted people will say, "How can it be a bad thing?  It took old cars off the road and put new more efficient ones there.  Creative destruction appears to work".  The problem is how it was paid for which is by assuming more liberal debt.  That is how creative destruction works; it is never paygo.  All the creation following the destruction must be paid for by debt.  Eventually the debt becomes so high that no more money will be loaned and so the debt itself is destroyed so they can start the cycle again.  Its called a deflationary crash.

But I digress, I was talking about the future fade of American football.  Gilbert Gottfried, in his usual clever but vulgar style, has told the truth about pro football: concussions are the sport's Achilles heel.  Kneeling is stupid, but concussions are an existential threat.  So, to Godfrey's point, anything is better than the herd focusing on pro sport brain damage.


Because pro sports is about making money, not about playing sports.  If people get hurt or brain damaged the elite don't give two shits because what's a little creative destruction among friends?  But if people begin to understand the risk of brain damage then they are not going to play football and neither are their children.  That is not good for the elite since they need willing gladiators to train all their lives and then fight with each other to get on those pro sports teams so that they can be exploited for money.

If the herd is focusing on brain damage then mommies and daddies will not let juniors join the football team.  They will pick soccer or some other non-bloodsport instead.  This has been a threat for a long time.  But societal focus on football injuries, especially the long term kind that could be quietly happening over time to a large % of those who play the sport, could really shift the power from those running football to others running less physically violent sports.

So, all this concussion talk could easily pinch off the next generation of talent from going into the pro football meat grinder, thus sending that talent elsewhere.  Well, that would collapse viewership as the herd would follow the talent.  The elite running the football show know this.  Thus, anything is better than the discussion of concussion if you are pro football big money elite.

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