Saturday, August 29, 2015

Houston police officer murdered while filling car at gas station.

I have written extensively and for many years, long before there was any national debate about it, about how the police in this country have been allowed to run amok and run roughshod over the population.  As POLICy Enforcers for the corrupt status quo they came over time to believe that they were above the law and could just do whatever they wanted to with very little fear of retribution.  I warned that this would appear to work until the debt Ponzi began to roll over, thus wiping out the prosperity which keeps the herd,  in aggregate, docile.  Full stomachs and blue sky hope allow the herd to put up with a lot of abuse by the self proclaimed ranchers.  Empty stomachs and lack of hope make the ranchers the targets.

Well today they might have found the crazy guy who pulled the trigger on an apparently innocent Houston police officer in a from-behind execution style murder.  These ambush style attacks seem to be on the rise.  People whose lives have been ruined by the pump and dump economy and then the heavy handed treatment of the population in order to try to keep them submissive to elite control are no longer afraid.  As Gerald Celente likes to say, when people have been taken advantage of the the point where they have nothing left to lose, they "lose it".

While the cops are indeed the praetorian guard of the corrupt money changer elite, the cops are a symptom and not the root cause.  Again, it is something that I have been writing about for a long time but one of my higher hit count posts on this subject featured an article by a self proclaimed zillionaire who correctly pointed out that wealth inequality always eventually led to a pitchfork revolution.  I say again for the cheap seats: the mechanism of wealth transfer from middle and poor to the rich is the corrupt money supply consisting of fiat currency and factional reserve banking.  It literally enslaves the working class by stealing its labor though the scam of inflation.  Working people have to work for their money but the money elite simply conjure it up from thin air.  They spend it into the economy as if they had worked for it.  Once in the economy it chases up prices due to the economic law of supply and demand.  As the zillionaire explains, this works until the people simply revolt against it and against all of the palace guards which try to support the corrupt system.

Stay focused on the root cause and understand that everything else will fix itself by the mechanism of free market clearing if the money supply was returned to honesty.

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