Sunday, August 9, 2015

Criminal cartel crash countdown: the infighting continues.

For decades the US and Israel have been thick as thieves controlling the middle east.  But now Obama is reading the tea leaves correctly and realizing that policing the world takes money at a time when the US is trying to create an impression of prosperity with falling jobless numbers, etc.  The US hopes there are more legs left in the con and it is mending fences in multiple areas in order to try to keep the US relevant on the global stage.  I mean, do you think it is just a coincidence that Obama is normalizing relations with Cuba?  Of course, not.  It is a poke in the eye of the Russians and a way to stimulate the economy in stagnating Florida.  Many Cubans will now be traveling back and forth between the US and Cuba and they will be opening restaurants and vacation spots in the beautiful island where real estate prices are likely to be very low due to years of communist rule.

I don't claim to know whether the Iranian nuclear deal that Obama is trying to push through is good or bad for the US but I do know that Iran is a sovereign nation and that we are not the boss of them.  I also know that if Iran launches a nuclear attack on Israel  or on anyone else that it will be the end of that nation as a sovereign state.  Despite all the religious rhetoric, they have everything to lose and nothing to win by doing that. And so they won't.  Iran is no threat to the US.  The rogue elements of US government are far more a credible threat.  The local police are more likely to shoot you in the face over a petty traffic stop than Iran is likely to stub your toe.

And so today I point to a story by Mish who discusses how Israel's leadership is trying to undermine Obama's Iran nuke agenda.  You can read it for yourself but my point in mentioning it has nothing to do with the deal itself.  It has to do with how the infighting is now getting very noticeable at the good old boy sovereign level.  The global "one world, one master" cartel is breaking down of its own corrupt weight.  It's going to get a lot worse as the global debt Ponzi accelerates into the collapse phase.

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