Friday, June 19, 2015

SC Church shootings: Where does this hate come from?

Regarding the sad occurrence in South Carolina which involved a troubled young punk walking into a black church and murdering several people, we have all of the usual attendant circus.  The gun grabbers want to use it as an excuse to push their political agendas.  At the same time, the poor families of the victims are trying to come to grips with the loss of their loved ones (my prayers go out to them). 

Meanwhile, good people watching from the sidelines who don't have a dog in the fight are asking the right questions.  From the article I quote, "I grew up when racism was just a way of life," said Mary Meynardie, 90, who is white, as she stopped by the police tape that still surrounded the church. "I wouldn't have been surprised if it was somebody 60, 70 years old who had that much hate, but where does this hate [from such a young kid who has not been exposed to racism all his life] come from?".

Yes, Mary, where indeed!!  That is the question people should be asking.  That kid was angry and disillusioned.  It it were not a gun it would have been a knife or a car or a baseball bat.  Guns are not the problem.  Had churchgoers been armed I dare say that the outcome would have been much different.  The young punk went to church to kill people because he knew he would have the force advantage!  Open carry people.  Openly state to any who would attack you that you are not a hapless, helpless sheeple. 

Additionally, the vast majority of the people might not know what the real root cause of these societal problems are, but they are now very clear on what they think ARE NOT the root causes, namely guns and racism.

And so we are still left with the why.   Well, there are probably a bunch of factors but let's look at the facts.  In this article it was pretty clear that the murderer, D. Storm Roof (is anyone else but me questioning these jokish Buckaroo Banzai-esque names that often seem to be found in media stories?) was casing a store for robbery just a few days prior.  His parents were pressuring him to get a job and he did not want to get one.  Perhaps he had just observed too many people living the easy something for nothing life and didn't want to be the one working to pay for it all.  Some kind of social pressure was clearly at play here.  Some kind of social distortion that his little mind could not comprehend.  He knows something is all F-ed up but has no idea what it is.  So he lashes out at anything he can.

I think this kid is as much a victim as a murderer (yes, you can be both and no I don't think his victim status should save him from a death sentence).  But we should get to root cause on this because when the herd feels pressure it reacts just like this - in unexpected, unpredictable ways.  I think that all of society feels the socioeconomic sword of Damocles hanging over its head.  So many people I know are pretty sure things will collapse at some point.  That's a lot of pressure on people and there will always be a percentage of them who cannot cope with that pressure.  When people feel hopelessness they look for scapegoats and they take revenge.  Herding 101.  The only way to get rid of this is to return to honest money.  So yes, Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen all have played a part in this shooting IMO.  Failure to acknowledge all of these contributing factors is to be a pasty folks.

We are not going to stop D. Stormy Roofs of the world from blowing off in an economic tornado which is why I strongly suggest that everyone get a gun, get some ammo, learn to be safe and proficient with your weapon and carry it with you as you would a wallet or car keys.

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