Tuesday, February 24, 2015

VA secretary: Sorry that I am nothing but a liberal liar!

In yet another of a sudden avalanche of admissions of lies and deceit, the VA secretary is now suddenly getting called onto the carpet for lying about having served in the special forces.  Well, I can't say I didn't see this type of news coming because I totally did.  But me being right is not what is important.  What is important is WHY I was able to be right about these particular things at this particular time (for I am clearly not always right...).  Being able to see some aspect of the future simply means that the model being using was right; that the world view was not far wrong.  And my world view is that the top echelons of society have been corrupted by the septic pool principal in which only the really big chunks float to the top.  The government, top corporations, wall st., academia, the military and of course religion are all full of criminals at the top and they surround themselves with corrupt little cronies who are bought off with fake money in order to do their bidding and to be "loyal".  What we will find over time is that loyalty bought with temporary (debt) based money, is in fact temporary loyalty.

Right now we have the marginal players being dragged forward by the herd for public humiliation.  Nobody really wants these guys, they are small fry.  But as it continues to happen, it empowers more people to drag more skeletons out of the closet.  One skeleton leads to another and it is amazing what kind of avalanche of lies can be brought down by the most unlikely of sequence of events.  Bill Cosby did not become a social Pariah all at once.  First one brave soul went public at a time when the herd was willing to hear, then that success brought out another and before you knew it no less than 28 women had come forward detailing how that liberal elitist groped, fondled or f-ed them.

Look folks, these fake war hero wannabes did not need to lie about these things.  All of these recent admissions and apologies simply prove that the liberal elite are nothing more than a pack of pathological liars, sick, corrupt and venal - the lot of them.  They are in fact subhumans who have to make up for their lack of humanity with lies and sophistry and deceit.  If they are not bullshitting someone about something then they feel like they are getting out of practice.  They do not deserve our respect and we are fools to give them any benefit of any doubt.  That is what these signals are telling the herd.  Do you think all of this engenders and instills confidence in the system?  Nah, quite the opposite.  Mark and Patsy are watching all of this in growing shock - how all of their little liberal heroes from Bill Rapist Cosby to Lance Doper Headstrong.  And now, it seems their fav TV personalities are liars, their elected and appointed officials are liars, ALL of the establishment are friggin' GD liars!

This just the beginning of it.  All of the recent admissions so far are either obvious to anyone with a brain but are harmless for the most part.  But this is going to change and likely with exponential rate of decay.  Members of the herd have known all of this information the whole time. What it has lacked until now is the will to actually care.  In George Carlin's bit about how the government doesn't care about the people (a few short months after which he suddenly died without warning of natural causes....) Carlin says "but nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care".  I'm sorry George that you did not understand herding behavior else you would have understood why it was the way it was.  Wherever you might be watching from, at least take comfort in the fact that the day of reckoning draws near and the frightened, distracted or confused herd is going to soon demand that real heads roll.  And when it does it will appear neither confused, distracted, sleepy, or stupid.  The arrogant, narcissistic asshole elite will be shocked at just how equal the herd which they so despise is to their imagined majesties.

When the herd is ready to make the move, the herd will be ready to make the move.   Nothing done before it is ready will force the move and nothing done after the herd has decided to sideline it is going to make it move.  The herd is a force of nature, more needing to be understood than controlled.  This is going to be so much fun to watch until they start the wars over it.  We the people need to stand up in unison and stop any wars they try to start.  We need to march on them, mock them, shout them down and not let them talk on this matter.  They will start wars if we let them if only to distract us from our anger at them.  Shame on us if we let them get away from it because without either our expressed or implied consent (AKA silence) this is what they are going to do.  That is what my world view says will happen and it has been pretty accurate so far.

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