Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Keith Olbermann the latest casualty in the war on elitism.

Yes folks, the early swing toward conservatism is turning into a full on War On Elitism.  The new WOE (or "woe! woe! woe" if you prefer R8:13) is claiming new casualties each day and the reasons are getting mighty thin.  Olbermanns "crime" was simply a smart alec response on twitter to some Penn State alumni bragging about their 13mn charitable raise for pediatric cancer.  His punishment for sending out the little, one word ending of "pitiful" to their post was having him cancelled for a week on ESPN.

These elitists are so narcissistic.  Everything they do is great, nothing anyone else does can ever measure up or should ever be given any credit.  This is how they have been operating uncontested for years.  But now, it seems, the smallest faux pas is landing people in lots of hot water.  The elite, it turns out, are particularly vulnerable to the opinion of the herd.  All we have to do is demonstrate that we don't like something or someone and that thing or person will not be around for very long.  Why?  Because despite their narcissistic "I am your master and your better" attitude, these bozos are basically useless unless they are being supported by the liberal machine.  And the liberal machine is taking so many hits these days that if your are generating more problems or even if you can be used or traded away to get rid of some problems, the liberal machine is going to do that.

This is how the big breakdown begins.   At first the liberal machine thinks it is so great and it is so full of itself.  But that is only because credit expansion increases the money supply and so they don't have to care who is actually doing the work in society.  Like I wrote before, a government or a police force or any other organization which does not need the taxpayer will begin to believe he is somehow better.  But that lack of need returns as the credit begins to diminish and the recent reports on reductions in the amount of home loans being taken out last quarter prove that credit is waning.  Housing is the largest asset class in the country which is why Greenspan said that as housing goes, so goes the US economy.

The top brass at libtard central notice that the tide is changing before the individual soldiers notice.  Thus, the soldiers keep on marching in the same direction as they used to but the leaders stop in their tracks.  Then, when some soldiers step on land mines, the leaders cut them loose quickly and stab them in the back, leaving them for the conservative wolves that have been massing.

But this is not so cut and dried as it sounds because after a short while the soldiers realize that their leaders no longer have their backs and so they begin to roll over and go state's evidence on the higher ups.  Again, this is the model for the downfall of organized crime which is what the liberal military industrial complex in fact is.

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