Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A modern day lesson in tyranny for everyone to learn from

The situation in Ukraine sucks and seems to be worsening daily now as the region slips into all out war.  Mish has a long post on the matter but I will summarize the state of affairs:
  • Forced conscription is in effect.  Anyone who doesn't fight for the ability of the leaders in Kiev to continue being the leaders in Kiev goes to jail (or worse).
  • Forced confiscation of property: vehicles are all now suddenly the property of the state and failure to comply is a huge offense with jail time.
  • Propaganda is on all media outlets, all 100% government controlled.  Free speech is no more in Ukraine.  Simply speaking against the war propaganda is a jail-able offense.
  • The currency is in freefall and the people are in the midst of a von Mises crackup boom.  People are buying anything just to not be in possession of the currency that is in the process of returning to its intrinsic value of zero.
  • Wolves from the outside are selling weapons into the situations, profiting from the misery and terror of the Ukranian people.  That includes the US and Europe with UAE acting as intermediary (the UAE doesn't manufacture arms in any serious way, they buy what they need with oil dollars).
  • Young men are fleeing the country to Russia to avoid conscription by the millions.  Some will come back after the war, some won't but this is a serious collapse of the country's male work force.  Since all future value is created from labor of man, how is Ukraine going to be able to support the consumption of its women, children and elderly?  What cannot happen will not happen and so we are staring a mass starvation situation in the face.  Outside forces really don't want to help anything so the starvation and living condition issues will be ignored in favor of fueling the God Damned war.
The above state the facts.  The Ukranian people have had their lives upturned, increasing deaths of their young men and the rest are fleeing the country in order to avoid becoming cannon fodder.  Their savings have evaporated (except anyone who took my advice and put all retirement savings into gold and silver coins held in their own hidden possession - those people are now rich by comparison as long as they can protect their wealth from theft), their infrastructure is in shambles, the fighting is moving from town to town destroying buildings and infrastructure as it goes.

These people are victims of their own ignorance folks and so let this be a lesson for everyone else to not be so damned ignorant going forward.  How did they get in this condition and how could they have avoided it?  The answers are not difficult and history bears them out as truths:
  1. People fell into the idea that they were property of government.  At first it began that the government was accepted as societal caretaker but once the control was handed over, it was handed over.  For every little thing, government was asked to "do something" instead of the people just doing the right thing for themselves.  The people placed all their trust in government and now they are reaping the whirlwind.
  2. As part of the above, people accepted a fake money supply as if it were real.  They actually believed that paper promises issues by government had lasting value.  How did they become so disillusioned about this?  Well, that's what happens when you allow central control of everything, including schools.  They become workforce indoctrination centers.  They tell the people what the government needs them to hear in order for the con men in charge to remain in charge.
  3. The people allowed themselves to be told that some external force was a terror against them that they should give up everything for in defense of when in fact their own tyrannical government, working in conjunction with one world government supporters like the EU and USA are actually their real enemy and real driver of terror in their country.
  4. The people allowed themselves to be disarmed.  They were told that it was for the good of society, no individuals needed guns because dear leaders would protect them, blah blah blah.  Why do people fall for this bullshit over and over and over again?  Absolute power corrupts absolutely and it this has never been more true when applied to governments.  Governments are nothing but people and if you give people control over your life they will enslave you.
  5. When the bad stuff began to happen, the people failed to self organize, surround the halls of power en masses, overwhelm the paid enforcers of the status quo by any means necessary and then storm the government offices and capture, jail or kill every single criminal inside.  The people were individually afraid of the sacrifice that they might have to make in order to protect themselves and their country from the real threat which was their US-installed government.  And yes, some would have died in securing their freedom but the amount of blood on the ground now is 100x with no end in sight and the country is in complete ruin.  It is now a battle playground for larger forces from the outside.
Bottom line is that over time the people were convinced to self destruct by a bunch of con men.  It really is as simple as that.  The con men cannot do anything that the mass of people don't allow and so the first job is to con you into thinking they care about you.  Again, George Carlin was clear and accurate on the matter.   Please review yet again his teachings.

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