Friday, February 20, 2015

Just amazing at the rate these things are coming out.

There's big trouble brewing in the elite pedophile crowd.  First off, people are now saying plainly what they only used to keep in their heads before.  Fake or what I will call coerced political correctness, which is nothing more than a control mechanism used by the elite on the human herding species, is wearing mighty thin now as you can see multiple and mean multiple post out there now claiming Joe Biden is a pedophile.  The video is indeed, "disturbing".   Yes, Biden and many high ranking people in industry, government, religion and military all seem to share that common trait.  It's almost as if it were some kind of requirement by the club they are all in.

In another case of infighting, since the right faction of the club made such a big deal about the Brian Williams false wartime action lies, the left is now telling what they know about Bill O'Rielley.  All of this is happening so quickly now.  I always knew it would happen and I wrote that the organized criminal cartel would turn on itself as a major sign of the coming debt ponzi collapse.

Please read what I wrote regarding all this way back in 2011:
"I've also predicted long ago that as the underpinning of the con - the great fractional reserve credit scam - collapses, many of those who were complicit with the scam will begin turning on each other.  They will do it to save themselves or to benefit personally in some way (once a scum bag, always a scum bag) but it will happen because that's often how criminal organizations fall.  In truth, many didn't want to be criminals but the money was just too easy.  They were moral-free, weak willed scumbags by nature and they just lacked any self control whatsoever.  Thus, when the money stops being easy to come by they will likely reach a point where many will likely become repentant.  Will they really be sorry or just sorry that the game is over?  In many cases they will simply be sorry they got caught.  I'm looking forward to watching them squirm in the sure and certain knowledge that no criminal organization can withstand massive truth-telling by insiders.

While the easy money was flowing, people like you and me around the world didn't care that things didn't seem quite right.  After all, we were getting "ours" and so why speak up?  In fact, many people actually became unwitting agents of the con.  As a consequence, those who tried to bring something into the light of day were immediately cast off by the  herd, ignored or laughed at no matter how much homework they might have done or how much evidence they might have access to.  But as the con collapses, a sort of mass awakening is occurring.  It's as if the credit con had hypnotized the people and now that the corrupting drug of easy credit is being pulled from the economy, people are coming out of their drugged stupors and they are not liking what they are seeing.

It's still a bit too early to tell where we are in this process but recent news suggests that it is later than most people probably realize.

The skirmishes are still small but are becoming obvious and widespread.  Importantly, they are beginning to affect the money flow and the con men (and women) "leaders" are showing their true colors.  For example, Debbie Wasserman Schultz voted against medical marijuana just a couple months ago but is now on record saying that if a big, influential, important donor will take back his negative remarks about her then she will switch her position.  So corrupt little Debbie really has no convictions at all, she she ebbs and floes with the tide.  That should not be any surprise.  But instead of just taking the deal and keeping it all quiet like they used to, the donor went public on the corrupt witch calling her a bully and saying that he beat bullies up for a living.  So now we have lawyers directly battling politicians in the court of public opinion where all can see.

Think it's all just a big coincidence?  Then look at this story about "liberal: msnbc canceling a couple of obviously liberal shows and giving the hosts jobs which I'm guessing is just cover fire.  They will end up firing these people.  And when they do, the fired liberals, being literally as useless as spit and unable to hold any real job, will get their little Ronan "bisexual" Farrow claws on and strike back with tell-alls about what they know.  WHY is all this happening?  Well, for exactly the reasons I said it would: the new conservative movement is picking up speed, trashing the ratings of the liberal outfits and sending their profits into a tail spin.  They have no morals, no convictions, no redeeming human qualities.  But they do know that they have to take emergency steps when their profits collapse and folks, their profits are collapsing.

Again, this is no surprise to me and you will see that by reading this post where I wrote:,"Those loyal underlings who supported the rise of socialism and liberalism will be sacrificed.  They thought they were important to the administration but now, like everyone who supported and helped the liberal agenda, they will find that there is no loyalty from above.  These patsies will be discarded like they were trash.   It won't take very much back stabbing by the leaders before those in the ranks below them begin to smell the coffee.  News like the firing of a tenured professor without some serious accompanying circumstance such as theft, rape, sex with students, etc. is sure to travel quickly.  These kapos, made men and women of the modern "cosa nosta" (translation: "our thing") known as academia, are now coming under attack.  Educated people such as they will be quick to do the math and they will begin to build protective walls.  They will opt for more conservative agendas out of self preservation.".  You can replace academia in the above paragraph with each of the following words without losing any correctness: media, Hollywood, government, military, Wall St.  All of these organizations are built using the same liberal central control techniques and all will fall in similar ways. 

I wonder when they will come for Rachel Maddow's job.  As popular as she remains today, I think it will happen before this crash is over.  Rachel Maddow cannot compete if the people turn conservative.  When the people begin to value straight, honest talk over liberal leaning interpretations of the truth even when presented by good looking, fast talking, quick on their feet people like Rachel Maddow and...  oh I was going to say Jon Stewart but he already bailed out, didn't he....

Yes folks we have come to the infighting stage.  How long until we actually see punches thrown on the US congressional floor?  Sometime in 2015 for sure.  More importantly, how long until someone sees the power vacuum formed by this dis-unification and moves to take personal advantage of it?

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