Saturday, February 28, 2015

Central governmental control is waning.

While the US federal government still apparently has all of the power right now, the wise observer will take notice of many widening cracks appearing at the periphery.  Today's case in point is how Maine is quietly trying to reverse seat belt laws imposed by the nanny state.

Let's face it: if you don't wear seat belts then you are taking a huge risk.  A sudden impact at even as slow as 20 mph is still fast enough to throw your whole body at the dashboard and windshield at, well, 20mph.  These simple physics alone should be enough for anyone with any sense at all to wear seat belts every time they get into a car regardless of front or back seat.

So nobody is questioning the logic of doing it.  What the awakening people of Maine (and I) don't like is HAVING to do it under threat of state imposed penalties.   It's not just the fact that not wearing a seat belt can get you pulled over and slapped with a ridiculous fine of $300 or more.  It's the fact that this simple and nonviolent infraction all of a sudden gives the police probable cause to do more intrusive things like demand your identification papers, do background checks on you to see if the state is looking for you (which could be legit or just for political persecution purposes) and in some cases even search your vehicle.

OK, OK, maybe you're rolling your eyes and thinking "This guy is paranoid.  the cops aren't that bad.  if you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to hide" blah blah blah.  Well, for those of you that are completely brainwashed by the state for thinking like this, please educate yourself with facts like this story about a man who was shot by cops for no reason after they made a seat belt stop on him.  In other words, just because it hasn't happened to you or yours yet you should not assume that it doesn't happen.  I'm telling you, the cops are steroid pumped control freaks because that's who the state has purposely hired and promoted in order to blindly enforce whatever policy the assholes that we have foolishly allowed to be in charge of us come up with.  ANY encounter with the police can quickly turn deadly.

I also believe that the police know they are doing many wrong, immoral and illegal things and it has given many of them the demon of paranoia.  It causes them to believe that any little physical move is you going for a gun.  Perhaps they have been involved in enough face to face drug deals that they have begun to think like the criminals that they regularly conspire with against the people from behind their badges.  "Oh, there he goes again", right?  Well, again back at you, wake up and read the news because, as predicted, stories are now coming out on a very regular and accelerating basis about how cops are not only getting caught but actually getting charged for outright criminal behavior associating with the drug world.  The cops have been bought off.  If you don't take the money, you are not accepted into the club and that is a career limiting move for a cop.  It could also get you killed for being a potential rat.  At the very least you will be ostracized from the fraternity.  Remember, the worst thing you can do to the psyche of a member of a herding species is to set that individual apart from the collective.

The situation is still way out of control but soon the bad cops will be running in full retreat.  I predict that formal organizations will emerge to sniff out and track down and punish police corruption.  I'm not talking about powerless watchdog groups which have been operating impotently for decades as the police state mushroomed into one big stinking cloud of corruption.  Those good watchdog people were basically wasting their time because until the herd is ready to act in unison nothing is going to happen.  On the flip side, when the herd begins to act in unison against a threat like police gone wild, there is no resisting it.  The herd is to the government as the market is to the federal reserve.  As long as the masses are, in aggregate, going along with policy, the policy continues to exist and expand.  But once the worm has turned, and it has, the decline tends to be more rapid than the growth was.  Stair steps up, elevator down applies to the police state as much as it does to the financial markets for they are inextricably intertwined.  Fake money is the energy source of both!

I want to take you back to the original Maine seat belt law link for a second and note a couple things: those moving to un-do the seat belt laws in Maine are up against a very recent massive car pile up in which anyone not wearing a seat belt would have gotten creamed.  So this should be a tail wind for the nanny state and its message of "we are here to help".  Also, complying with federal demands often comes with bribes, generally ear marked for "the children" since this is always the weak point of the herd.  Children are the future of the herd and the herd knows it. In the case of the seat belt laws, some politicians sold a bit of the freedoms of Maine citizens down the river for a paltry 500k USD.  Money is tight all over so any lost money is bad. But now they are willing to give that money up in order to reclaim their freedoms and they are saying it in so many words.   Conservative senator Eric Brakey said, "Government exists to protect us from each other, not to protect us from ourselves".  So you can see that the whole exercise has nothing to do with seat belts and everything to do with a new conservative wave sweeping the country.

As I mentioned before, when people begin to choose freedom and privacy over state-provided money or even over the risk of financial loss from what they already possess and physical harm to themselves, we are mos def in the end game of this fake money scam.  I'll expand that to a more generic statement of herds:  when the herd finally begins to self organize and self govern, the individual members feel said unity within themselves as if they individually have all of the power of the entire herd.  In this case, the individual feels as one with the larger force.

Whereas individual members of herding species feel scared and alone during those times that the herd is operating as many individuals instead of as one self-organized force, each member operates at far less than his individual capacity for self defense and has almost no capacity to defend others.  In this state the individual is easily intimidated and controlled.  But once the herd is unified in thought, each member is actually more powerful that he should rightfully be.  This is because they take more chances, are more confident, and more bold and most of all, lose their fear of the perceived enemy.

This is the mechanism whereby seemingly stupid, ignorant and passive sheeple suddenly turn into massive bull buffalo with horns that are swinging and goring any threat that is in range.  Instead of running away at the LEOs steely glare, snarling teeth and loud roars, the buffalo take them on directly and begin to stomp ass.  I've been showing a video for some time now where water buffalo at Kruger saved a small calf from lions (LEOs).  Here is a different but similar vid.  The lions are great pack hunters when it is 6 or 10 of them to one victim.  But get 2 or 3 or 5 victims to band together and the tables are quickly turned.  And even odds??  The cops and the con men want nothing to do with even odds.  Either they have the massive advantage or they just run away and cower like the cowards they actually are.
  • To any cop that might be reading this who considers himself one of the good ones, here is the test as to whether you are just fooling yourself in order to ease your conscience: do you know of wrong doings of your fellow cops?  Did you turn them in for it in order to make the police force a better and more honest protector of the people?  NO?  Then I guess you are just as corrupt as those doing it, pal.  Why should you get special treatment under the law?  Many of our laws state that anyone who knows about a crime but does not report it is in fact a criminal.  So are you a criminal under this definition?  Yeah, go think about that for awhile.  And while you consider that, keep this also in mind: we the people are coming for those like you.  Clean up your act right now or face the music.
 It's bad enough for the bad guys when the rank and file begins to stand up for itself.  But it gets even worse as those who are part of the con not because they want to but because they felt they had to begin attacking the criminal governing cartel from the inside.  I can see all of this happening right now.  The dis-unification of leadership has never been more apparent.  The eventual repercussions of this are going to be significant and long lasting.  We ain't seen bad yet, but it's coming.  But, like withdrawal sickness, the events to unfold will be signs of an overall healing.  It won't look like healing and it won't feel like healing but it will in fact be healing.  I have very bright hopes for America and for the world after that healing has taken place.  But never forget that there is no true healing until the fake money supply is done away with and replaced with honest money and the complete repudiation of fractional reserve banking which is the underlying cause behind 99% of the world's problems even if only 1 in a million understand this fact.


  1. Captn,

    I wonder when the powers at be will find an excuse to shut your blog down. I how that you have all backed up, just in case then you need to host the blog in a country that is more friendly to truth sayers, like Russia.

  2. Governments are all corrupt, Russia is no better. But they do understand "enemy of my enemy". I get that.

    Still, I am no enemy of America. I am only the enemy of who are themselves the true enemies of this county. When I first started writing about this stuff people told me that if I felt so strongly about it, why not just leave the country while I still could.

    I have a better idea. Fuking assholes ruining the country should leave before they can't. I'm not going to run off and abandon my country and start over in Russia. If someone wants me to stop exercising my constitutional right of free speech then let them come and try to stop me.

    For the record, my company just closed down all global sales offices and my job is affected. Fortunately I am prepared by having been very conservative in all my financial preparations. Heck, I don't even have an electric bill to speak of anymore with my solar array now running. So I am in high spirits and already contemplating my next job. I am also in good health, never sick. So if I suddenly commit suicide and it gets blamed on depression from job loss don't be quick to believe it. And if I have a sudden heart attack, people should wonder if there isn't more to the story. And if my truck crashes into a pillar after all these years of never being in any accidents then please check the under carriage for remote control steering actuators. I believe that the government is quite fond of this technology these days and nobody ever thinks to look for the evidence.


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