Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Vermont figures out that social medicine scam is bust.

In another major sign of renewed conservatism, the liberal democrat Vermont Governor, Peter Shumlin, abandoned his plan for a single payer health care system for the state.  You can read more details over at Mish GEA but the bottom line is simple: Governor Shumlin had to admit that the whole idea was a piece of shit given that, in Mish's summary:
  • The plan would cost far more than estimated
  • The plan would quickly become insolvent
  • Massive tax increases would be required
  • Coverage would decline for many

  • So did Governor Shumlin just now figure out that the math didn't work on his little scam or is the truth more like he woke up to the fact that people are now looking with a new conservative eye at what politicians do?  I suggest the following:
    • Shumlin is a smart man who can do math and he knew the truth a long time ago.
    • All liberal spenders know the truth!  But they plan to use debt (deferred admission of the mathematical truths involved) or transfer payments (rob from the middle class to give to poor voters) to ram their scams through.
    • They know that one or two dissenters is normal but when they see people wake up in droves and vote against them they know they have reached the point of diminishing returns in their vote garnering scam.  Shumlin is only coming clean about his scam and flushing it down the toilet because it now has negative consequences on his political career.  He is not doing it because of the math.  He is doing it because of the public awakening.
    • Expect more and more of this kind of thing to unfold into 2015 and for years beyond.  Expect government to stop propping up their corporate buddies as they did when the people were not paying attention.  In fact, expect them to go claw a lot of that money back in some form or fashion including lawsuits and jail time that again send the message to US corporations that government is now siding with the people and against big business.  
    The democrats are screwed in 2016 but not all of the new conservatism will be a good thing.  People always have to swing too far to the left or to the right it seems.  Wait until the US stock markets, which have clearly been bouyed by direct government action are left to fend for themselves.  Stock market participants have not figured it out yet buy Yellen does not have their back.  When things begin to tank she will not prop them up like the fed did before.  Her income inequality speech was fair warning to anyone with an understanding of the cyclic nature of social mood.

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