Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Conservative hits just keep on rolling in.

Today's story of renewed conservatism surrounds the so called "nut rage" story.  In short,the daughter of the Korean Air magnate had been given titles and power far beyond her maturity.  This is of course a typical liberal act (nepotism...).  During a recent flight she was served some nuts in a manner that was not up to specs for first class passengers.  The nuts are supposed to be served in a dish, not in a bag.  So the woman had a hissy fit about this and demanded a return to the gate in order to kick off the offending stewardess.  After all, rules are rules and bureaucrats fiercely demand zero tolerance to the letter of the laws they create.

Too bad the offending spoiled brat, one Cho Hyun-ah (AKA "Heather"), has not been reading my blog.  Otherwise she would have realized that liberal outbursts like that only work when the liberal wave (credit buildup that increases the money supply)  is flowing.  Now that liberal bullshit is being back-burnered because of the stagnating credit that is leading to a failing global economy, all of that zero tolerance bullshit mindset has to go.   According to Reuters, the first response by Korean Air was "a half-hearted apology that appeared to rationalize Cho's conduct in the face of what it said was inadequate performance by the cabin crew".  

But this was only after "A probe by South Korea's Transport Ministry concluded that Cho abused flight attendants in the incident, and that airline officials may have tried to cover up the episode.
The ministry came under fire after revelations that some of its officials leaked information to the company and committed other misconduct during the investigation. The ministry said on Monday it would penalize eight officials involved in the case".

In other words, Cho tried to hide behind the power of the corporate entity as well as probably more than a few well placed calls by daddy to government officials to sweep all of this under the carpet quietly.  After all, why not go this way?  It's worked so many times before after all...  But for some strange reason, Cho is also up on charges for the incident.  She did not just skate out.  The article in fact said that they took her to jail (at least for a short time....), "On her way to a detention facility from the prosecutors' office late on Tuesday, Cho was flanked by prosecution officials and did not respond to questions from media, only saying "sorry" several times, her eyes closed and her head bowed.".

Ohhhhhhhh!  So now it's head bowed and eyes closed!  And now Cho is sorry about everything!  Again, this is the same all over.  The elite get full of themselves, they believe they are entitled to everything and they forget that the worker is who generates ALL societal value.  Then they get abusive and as soon as the prosperity that the elite are taking all the credit for producing collapses, the people suddenly begin to chant for blood.  Bottom line: people have the massive weakness in that they are generally only sorry for getting caught, not for the act itself.

Because the cover up backfired, daddy had to fall on his sword in order to do damage control. Instead of defending her actions, daddy dearest finally publicly agreed with the popular negative assessment of the daughter's behavior by his actions in which he "stripped her of her posts at the airline and also an affiliated hotel chain, and apologized for failing to raise her properly".

Asians are very concerned with the idea of saving face (which is not at its root a bad thing IMO).  For the family patriarch to take all of this shame upon himself shows how seriously he is (finally) taking the offense she committed.  He did not chastise her for behaving childishly which would have been bad enough but perhaps taken simply as more pandering to the critics.  Instead, he fired the bitch and then took personal blame at the parental level.  It might seem funny from the perspective of a westerner but from an Asian perspective this is no laughing matter and the implications just exploded across the region like a C-Bomb (C=conservative!).

The fact that Cho acted like this in the first place simply shows what she had grown accustomed to getting away with.  All people were low life underlings to her whose only purpose in life is to follow the rules thrust down upon them by the ruling class.  The same mindset is true for the liberal police state in the US.  When the mayor of NYC sided with the family of Eric Garner (but only after seeing the political damage done to liberals in the mid terms coupled with public reaction to the Michael Brown incident), the NYPD continued acting liked the spoiled child in the matter.  Instead of listening to the direction change, they turned their backs on the mayor as if this is a sound strategy. 

Cho's daddy did not publicly kick his own ass and hers as well like that "just because".  He did so because he knows a lot of good people are suffering due to prolonged economic problems and they do not want to put up with rich people's bullshit anymore.  The wealth schism got too wide and people began to notice.  I have written many times that this would happen and indeed it has.  In fact, the Reuters article stated it clearly, "Cho's case has aggravated public resentment towards the country's powerful family-run conglomerates, called chaebol, stirred by their dominance of the economy and a widening wealth gap in society.".   Cho's daddy did what he did in order to quell a pitchfork revolution.  He finally reached out to the people.  Out of fear that things could go very south in a hot hurry, he empathized with them and he took real action.   An elite head, and that of his daughter no less, rolled.  This was damage control but at least it was not half-hearted the second time around.

NYPD cops better wake the flock up, and soon or they will too face a pitchfork revolution but with the AR15 and 9mm parabellum being the new pitchfork.  No matter how smart they might try to believe they are, the Cops cannot defend themselves from crazy fvckers who have lost everything and feel they have nothing to lose so now they are going to "lose it".  There is no defense!!  Cops of America, I obviously feel you have brought the increase in police ambushes down upon yourselves by using heavy handed military "shoot first, you life doesn't matter to us" tactics on the people.  Like Cho, you got used to getting away with this. I'm here to teach you the history lesson you obviously slept through which is that armed people don't put up with this shit once the credit induced prosperity collapses. 

I don't want to see anyone get hurt!  If I'm mad at you more often than not it's because some cop just killed some unarmed person for a "zero tolerance" liberal police state reason (not because they were actually an immediate danger to society).  YES, there is a time and a place and a reason to kill violent criminals who are in the act of doing violence but you assholes have turned that into a license to kill and a license to intimidate.  You have created a two tier legal system in order to support this corruption.  We the people are tired of it.  I strongly suggest that the people cannot fix this.  Only you can fix it.  YOU must show the leadership, YOU must rebuild the bridge because YOU are the underlying problem.  Don't think it can go on like this forever because if the courts won't stop you the people will eventually give up on the courts and take matters into their own hands.  Again, this is not intended to be a threat but rather a historical lesson which drives a modeled prediction.

One more thing: don't think for a second that my desire for peace means I am willing to give up my constitutional rights.  In other words, there will be no peace if it means the people must drop to our knees in order to receive it from the zero tolerance police state.  The founders of the USA would have spit on the graves of anyone who caved to that crap.  Mutual respect is needed and nothing short of that will suffice.  Time to wake up, boys in blue, before the people stop toying with you on this matter and begin to get seriously pissed.  We are not far from that point IMO and so you must do an about face right now.

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, I suspect that the open season on the occupying force and pretorian guard of the elite, the police, is a world wide phenomenon. In my home country, dozens of police, on and off duty, have been assassinated for the last 3 years or so, coinciding with the spike in food prices, sometimes confusing a meager diet with income inequality.


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