Sunday, December 21, 2014

Isolated incident or escalation of a new trend?

For decades the police have run roughshod over the docile population.  Because the herd had full stomachs and high hopes for the future, the loss was deemed acceptable by the herd.  Like the lions and the water buffalo video that I have referred to many times, allowing this behavior was completely voluntary on the part of the herd.  Unfortunately, the LEOs began to think of their power as an entitlement and so their behavior has just grown more cruel and over the top over time.  These people actually think they are superior to the rest of us having devised a dual legal system whereby their misdeeds are forgiven with a hand slap while the minor misdeeds (and oftentimes no misdeeds at all) of the population are dealt with by SWAT which is to say deadly force/shoot first ask questions never).

I warned the police several times in these pages that part of the new conservatism was to take back upon the individual the responsibility for self protection from all attackers.  The police have put themselves in the position of attacker, not defender of the public.  They are defenders of the status quo.  I told them to reach out to the public and build bridges instead of continuing on with police state terrorism.  I don't want to see people get hurt but history shows that when the people are repressed by the state and then the prosperity runs out, the people are not as defenseless or docile or controllable as the state deluded itself into thinking.

And so now we have two dead NYPD officers to show for it.   They were not part of the Garner incident.  There is no evidence to indicate that they were anything other than good officers.  Yet they were basically executed by some crazy fool who then offed himself.  So this is not some false flag conspiracy theory, it is just a simple case of the mind of the herd taking a new and dangerous twist.

This was tragic for sure but it was also predictable.  You can focus on the tragedy if you want to but that is not going to stop it happening again in NYC or other major US cities where police abuses tend to be the worst.  Other crazies are going to see this and they will conclude that if their fate is to die soon then they might as well take down a cop or two while they are at it.   The same thing happened with the guy in FL who burned down his house to lure the police in and then killed one and wounded the other before dying himself.

This is not going to get fixed by a more powerful police state fist.  Enter the law of diminishing returns!  The more police violence that the herd sees going forward, the more innocent cops will be targeted.  The people cannot fix this because the people did not start it.  Only the police can effect the deescalation.

I'll say it again because I know it is true: an armed populace cannot be controlled by force once it decides to defend (or avenge) itself.  The natural course of the police state is to use this incident as an excuse to concentrate even more power into their own hands by disarming the population.  All I can say to that is rotsa ruck.  Anyone who comes for my guns in violation of the highest law of the land, the constitution, will be turned away.  Anyone who attempts to do so using force will be turned away forcefully.  I am not alone in this.  Confiscation is simply a battle that cannot be won.  It will simply turn hundreds of thousands if not millions into felons.  Instead of having to worry about a few crazies, the authorities will be up against a much larger number of patriots.

There is exactly one solution to this situation: the US police state must deescalate its supposed control over the people and stand down with unnecessary police violence at all levels and it must happen soon.  Why wait until it is too late before realizing this?  Why not just do the right thing for all of us right now?  The war on individual freedoms and rights is un-winnable.  Stand down police state, before this situation gets any more out of hand than it already is.  Again, I don't want it to happen but all of this civil unrest was predictable and completely predicted well in advance in these pages.  Search the blog and you will see this is true.  All I had to do was not forget the lessons of history in order to be able to predict the future on this matter.


  1. The status quo will continue to lure the men among its Praetorian Guard though. If not with monetary compensation, actual or promised, with vainglory, as in this report you linked to, where Dear Leader panders, not to the fallen two or their families, but to all the Guard.

    Make no mistake, there'll be a tug of war between the Praetorian Guard and We The People, with sides alternatingly pulling farther to one camp. Though inevitably the victory is ours, each time the pull is to the Praetorian side, many among We The People will fall.

    Interesting times.

  2. I can only hope that the powers that be look to history to understand the futility of trying to enslave an armed populace.

    The herd is not as stupid as it sometimes appears to be. While the free handouts were being given by the establishment, the free handouts were being taken by the herd. In countries where the people are unarmed and defenseless from tyranny, the playbook is always to substitute the carrot with the stick when resources run low.

    The first step is always to position the police as an occupying army which hurts or kills at will, always backed by the state in all matters and well paid to do so. Once this intimidation of the people is achieved, the power becomes more concentrated, the people more confused and leaderless and then all rights and freedoms are eventually removed as enslavement becomes complete.

    Since the US is a herd like any other, the first stages of this sequence have occurred like for any other. But since the American people are armed, the sequence will now be interrupted by significant resistance. Look at the young people rising up publicly in violation of laws that would make them felons and doing so in front of the WA state capitol in full view of the blue team. the establishment has not responded because there is no winning response.

    This is middle finger in the face of those who think they are in control. This is clear message that the continued ability of those in the seats of power to make proclamations over the people shall be limited by the will of the people. This is grass roots leadership like Gavin Seim rising up *without being paid* and that (self organization without influence by status quo lobbyists) is always the enemy of big government. When this kind of energy is expended toward the common good without a profit motive then the authorities are well advised to pay attention.

    I hope they do the right thing but to be honest I think you are right. They will resist as much as they can. I think they remain confident of their ability to control people if not by force than by fancy words spoken by empty puppets in fancy suits from within granite walls. After all, guile and sophistry have worked so many times before. Why not now? Of course the reason is that the herd is losing confidence in the con men and in their con game.

    At the end of the day, the Duck Commander showed us why it really is different this time. A new wave of social conservatism has arrived and it continues to strengthen and spread. Our government has fought multiple wars on concepts (the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, etc.). There is no way to win such a war as you cannot destroy an idea, an emotion, using guns and bombs. All you do is feed the opposition with those tactics. A war on conservatism will have the same outcome.


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