Monday, December 22, 2014

NYC police declares that it is "at war"; schism with Mayor Deblasio

The NYC cops kill innocent people all the time.  Garner was not innocent but he didn't even deserve rough handling much less to be choked to death on the street.  But here is an innocent victim of NYC police violence.  Here is anotherAnd anotherAnd another.  Do a little google searching and you will see many killings over the past few years and rarely does any cop or his supervisor face justice for it.  In fact, trigger happy cops are a plague across our country to the degree that websites like this one list their innocent victims.

But when two of theirs got the same treatment that cops in general have no problem dishing out the the public, the police union has now declared that they are "at war".  All I can say is "wrong move, bozos".  You cannot declare war against the people of NYC and win.  Many more will get hurt or killed if you go down this path.  Your actions will only intensify the unrest and hatred.  It sucks that cops which had nothing to do with any of the police-initiated murders above had to take the brunt of the anger of the herd but this is a war that you cannot win.  The days of people just taking it are over.  I saw this coming from a long way off and wrote about it on many occasions and I know how it is going to turn out if you choose to escalate this and it will go badly for the police.

I want to point out the I also correctly predicted that the broad economic malaise would result in exactly the kinds of things that we are seeing right now.  For example, in this post I wrote, "When the great fractional reserve credit scam collapses, the herd is going to make a dramatic transition from being a flock of sheeple into looking more like a pack of wolves.   Patsies that are so common today will become as rare as hen's teeth.  Strange as it might be to say, I expect the police state to be getting whacked along with socialism as the fraudulent money supply continues to face increasingly existential threats.   Sheeple put up with jackbooted cops.  Wolves won’t."

Read it again folks.  When the herd is happen and well fed and feels like it has something to live for and to look forward to, it puts up with a lot of crap and abuse.  But at some point people lose everything and think they have nothing left to lose so they "lose it" (credit to Gerald Celente for that quote).  The jerk that shot those NYPD cops was not a terrorist.  Terrorists might kill themselves in the act of killing others but they don't kill others and then just kill themselves for fear of getting caught.   They go out and kill until they get killed themselves.  No, the guy that did this deed was just caught up in the negative social mood of the herd.  People might not want to hear it but in some ways he was a victim of the organized criminal scam that steals the wealth of the middle and lower classes through its use of a fraudulent money supply.  I made that point clear in this post from 2011 where I wrote:"The funny money scheme eventually drives a wedge between public and private sectors and the result is going to be civil unrest at the very least and more probably significant violence."

In this post I explained how, since government is little more than organized crime anymore, that its collapse would parallel that of any large organized crime syndicate.  I wrote: "... at the start of a crime organization there is little competition and the patsies are plentiful.  The criminals shake a few people down but most people are not scared.  The police are bought off or scared off (they are people too, they have families too) and so the criminal organization grows.  Territories expand, smaller bosses get ambitious and want their own turf.  But eventually the parasite:producer ratio becomes too high.  The number of weak and willing patsies cannot keep up with the growth of the parasite.  Society has only a limited carrying capacity for active parasites.

As time passes, the parasites begin to get hungry for more, more, more.  They begin to do radical things in order to get it (like demolishing 3 buildings on the same day even though only 2 were hit by aircraft).  They get more and more desperate but the population has either gotten wise to them or gotten fleeced by them (or both).  Those who are aware and who will fight back are not easy targets - it begins to cost more to take what they have than is gained by the taking.  And those who have nothing are not useful targets.  So the criminals begin infighting and turning on themselves in order to save their own operations at the expense of the operations of the other criminals.  Later on it devolves into an "every man for himself" situation

I also indicated in posts like this one that the higher ups would begin to cave to political pressure and the underling enforcers would get thrown under the bus leading to problems within the ranks of the organized criminal oligopoly known as "big liberal government".  I wrote: "Expect more prosecutions of police, less backing of your corrupt actions from above and the eventual culling of those in your ranks who are pumped up on steroids.". 

So again, I am not gloating or trying to show people how clever I think I am.  I couldn't care less about those things.  But I do want people to not be so shocked as all of this unfolds because it was completely predictable and predicted.  Everyone will infight about all the wrong things, all the symptoms instead of the root cause of all this mistrust, hate and violence.  Long time readers will forgive me for repeating once again that the root cause is a fraudulent money supply based on the scam of fiat currency and leveraged into oblivion by the pump and dump action of a  fractionally reserved credit scheme.  It breeds distrust in the herd and people react violently to being ripped off (even if they don't really even understand what is going on).  Also, the cops know their pensions are under constant attack and they blame the people for not wanting to pay their lifetime benefits.  None of this would have been promised had there been an honest money supply in place.

End the federal reserve and many of these other seemingly unassociated problems will go away.  The reason I have take the time to make all these advance predictions is to show people the real mechanics of the situation so that we can focus on fixing the right things.

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