Sunday, September 28, 2014

Does Elizabeth Warren want to audit the fed??

As the pendulum swings from ultraliberalism, thru centrism and back to the Ridiculous Right, I expect to see all kinds of loyalties change in order for the politicians to appear to the people as someone fit to lead.  Of course, the people are clueless for the most part which makes the whole political scene a huge joke whereby people wait until their previous stupid, uninformed decisions blow up in their faces and then, thinking they have learned their lessons, elect the next con man who says comforting things to them (math, history and logic be damned).

It's already happening the world over.  For example in the UK we have Torries (which are the fake right or RINOs (Right wing In Name Only) switching to UKIP (Nigel Farage's libertarian groundswell).  But today's big news on this front is socialist loser Elizabeth Warren coming out in support of the recent house vote to audit the fed by asking for hearings on how the fed gave preferential treatment to Goldman "doing God's work" Sachs.

What Dear Elizabeth doesn't know is that socialism has no chance without a fraudulent money supply.  Wealth redistribution in a fraudulent money supply is easy.  You simply debase the currency by printing more and then you pick winners and losers by either distributing the newly printed money to a group or withholding it.  There!  Wasn't that simple?  This is effectively a taxation mechanism which is completely unauditable.  Nobody can easily say "you took this much of my productive labor and gave it to someone else via this program" because nobody even knows they are being taxed.

This is a far cry from an honest money supply whereby you have to have someone write you a check in order to pay their taxes.  When people see the sticker shock of wealth redistribution in an honest money supply then they put down their pens and pick up their pitchforks.  Of course if the money supply is honest then a man's labor must be paid for honestly as well.  An honest money supply automatically collapses the wealth disparity we see today.  Right now, moneymen and bureaucrats at the very top have megayachts and megawives and megalives while people who do productive work with their hands all day long under the hot sun barely get by (and generally only after they collect some form of public assistance). 

The only reason that someone who puts in an honest full day of labor should not be able to feed, clothe and shelter his family AND put away something for retirement is if he is getting ripped off.  That's what dishonest money does.  It steals from the poor and gives to the rich.  The rich then devise all manner of loyalty program and give them government names like SNAP, etc.  If you don't toe the government line then your benefits are in jeopardy. The benefits are marketed to the ignorants as a boon but they are in fact a snare.  Once you accept fake money as pay then you will be required to accept public assistance forever. 

By attacking the controller of the fake money scam, Elizabeth Warren is unwittingly attacking her own socialist political ideals.

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