Saturday, September 27, 2014

NRA mistakes a swinging pendulum for "a stunning outbreak of sanity"

Completely in line with my standing prediction that our society would see a pendulum-swing back to conservatism, the New Jersey state citizen criminalization team has suddenly reversed itself on its intent to prosecute an innocent woman for her misunderstanding of concealed carry reciprocity laws.  After her arrest she was funneled into the jaws of "zero tolerance" and "mandatory sentencing".  In other words, the con men running the show selectively ignored the facts of the case, ignored whether any harm was done or intended to be done and instead just violently planned to ruin someone's life and the lives of their families. 

In this case, the citizen-victim was a single mother who wandered into the liberal Hell known as New Jersey.  I gotta tell you folks, I own a 10 acre farm there which used to belong to the wife's dad.  We bought it for him to live out his twilight years in since he was broke.  He's gone now and the wife still has an attachment to the place but I will never live there because I cannot stand hyper liberal nanny state, tax-crazy government and that has been the hallmark of New Jersey ever since the criminal unions and liberals contaminated its ground with their sick ideals.

It is no coincidence that this sudden turn of events occurred at this particular time.  The herd is sending signals far and wide.  Public officials are beginning to have to apologize for bad behavior.  Eric Fraking Holder is out on his ass.  What next, will pigs fly?  Folks the power structure of the con was credit and the power structure is rolling over in locked step with the decline of credit.  The officials are beginning to see the folly of their arrogance in the faces of Bundy Ranch patriots and Ferguson rioters.  The con men are now beginning to fear being taken out in the street and hanged.  I do NOT hope for this, I'm just calling it like I see it from the pages of history.  The herd has been repressed by the liberal nanny state long enough and the herd is now awakening.  The smart con men are bugging out, just like the initial lions bailed out in the battle of Kruger when the water buffalo herd showed up in numbers and well organized.

While she will not be going to prison, the con men still will save face with an expensive bureaucratic process known as the PTI program.  Basically, they will intimidate her some more with ridiculous classes and "treatments" for the heinous crime of breathing and practicing her 2nd amendment rights.  It's just another full employment program for big government that does absolutely nothing to benefit society.  She already lost her job and her house over this crap.

Open letter to Shaneen Allen:

Dear Shaneen,
I want you to know that America knows you got railroaded for no good reason except that of controlling people's thoughts and actions by the police state.  I also want you to know that your story is important and that you are important.  I don't just mean that in a ethereal way.  I mean it in a tangible sense.  Because you made the decision to concealed carry and exercise your 2nd amendment rights, other American citizens will benefit from your sacrifice, and I don't just mean the parasites who will be getting paid in order to mind wash you with their PTI program.  In fact, "Shaneen's Law" will eventually pass because the time is right and honest law abiding citizens will be able to concealed carry all over these once United States without fear of government using it to create what is essentially a taxable event by ruining the lives of good, honest people.

Mind you, I'm not praising your foolishness for not knowing that New Jersey is a liberal infestation full of rights and privacy haters who are running the show.  That was borderline insane of you.  But people make mistakes and you certainly did not know you were doing something that could land you in the slam else you would not have offered the fact that you were carrying to the police.  Next time, SHUT UPThere is no need to tell the police anything for any reason.  Don't offer up anything because it can and will be used against you in a monkey court of corrupt law. 

Now, get your silly PTI bureaucracy sentence done and over with, follow all their little nanny rules and given them no reason whatsoever to criminally harass you any longer.  Then, Shaneen, WRITE A BOOK on this matter.  Do it ASAP.  It will be a best seller and you can mock the sons of bitches who tormented you as you tell your story to America.   The time is exactly right for this kind of detailed tell-all about how the corrupt police state cost you your job and your house and put your family through so much misery.  Dear, a book deal is likely worth a couple easy million bucks to you so don't pass up the opportunity!  Once you have the millions, you can lawyer up in case there is any attempted state retribution on you.

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