Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Obamacare takes a bullet to the torso.

Today's ruling that some if not many of the federally funded Obamacare subsidies are illegal is a major blow to a system whose only goal was to weaken the workers and strengthen the parasites of society.  Mind you, a truly disabled person cannot help it but neither can a mosquito or a tape worm. It is their lot in life to be a parasite to the degree that their existence is funded by the labor of someone else.  This is simply economic truth, there is no good or bad to it.  Sure, nicer words could be used but the goal of my blog is to convey truth, not pad egos and prop up useless sensibilities.  Besides, many of the people who hoped to receive subsidies (read "free health care paid for by everyone else") never had it before.  They were just going to get a free leg up in life, courtesy of the rest of us producers.  Fuck that.

So why is this such a bad thing for the status quo?  Well, if you are running a debt Ponzi you have to pump more and more debt based money into the economy lest credit deflation collapse all the asset values.  Obamacare was going to subsidize the insurance industry if they would only take on the support of the sick and elderly (so that government could get out of medicare and medicaid promises already made).  Pretty much the only ones who signed up were those who were expecting heavy subsidies.  I know I personally will not go near the Obamacare web site for any reason whatsoever.

But how is any of this related to debt?  Well, how do you think the government was going to pay for these subsidies?  By coming to the people hat in hand and asking for more tax dollars?  Of course not!  That would be the honest (read "difficult to the point of impossibility") way.  The dishonest way is to sweep the plans for credit expansion into some benevolent sounding law and then use debt in order to deliver on the law.  The sneaky way to bring down America is to just burden us with more and more debt based consumption.  And the worst kind of consumption is when those who do not exhibit economic unity are doing the consuming.  All eat, no valuable economic work output.  That is a sure formula for societal and economic collapse.  And then, from the rubble of a nation imploded into its own footprint (like the 3 buildings of 911), a new nation can be brought up on the image of socialism.  It's the whole new world order, one world government concept of "creative destruction".  We have to destroy America to save it as GW Bush might have said.  Of course the whole thing is a load of crap.

As you can see, government is using our own legal system to mandate that it bring the nation down.  Laws are out of control to the point of being meaningless drivel anymore.  Everyone is a felon (or can be called a felon in an eye-blink).  Debt is considered unlimited (at least for now).  Obama is doing everything possible to turn the USA into a 3rd world country (and so did Bush and so did Clinton before him because they are all reading from the same script that was handed to them on inauguration day).  He is not doing this for the poor people man. He is doing it for the money elite.  Go refer to the George Carlin video I linked to recently if you still don't get it.

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