Saturday, July 12, 2014

Gun grabbing New Orleans mayor sent to federal slam for 10 years: corruption catches up to him.

Under the cover of the Katrina catastrophe, certain people sought to take advantage of the situation to push the liberal agenda.  After all, the battle cry of the liberal elite (as stated by Obama's lap dog Rahm Emanuel)  is "you never want a serious crisis go to waste".   That includes pushing the liberal agenda well past the edge of legality.  In the case of Ray Nagin, who was Mayor Of New Orleans during Katrina, it meant sending armed thugs in paramilitary garb door to door to force people to evacuate even if they were not in danger and neither needed nor wanted government help. 

Part of this push was that any gun they saw was immediately confiscated "for everyone's safety" and never returned to the owner even well after Katrina .  It was part of the "we're here to help" liberal agenda from the get go.  Keep in mind who was president back then: RINO-liberal GW 911 traitor Bush.  So this has nothing to do with Obama per se.  It has to do with the money elite and how the haves and the have mores are going to run everything.  THAT is my definition of human liberalism.

Well, the NRA didn't let Nagin and his cronies get away with it.  They won a court case back in 2008 whereby N.O. had to admit that its actions were unconstitutional (and therefore illegal), cease and desist and then move to repair the injustice.  While nobody went to jail over it, Nagin became a political pariah and lost the backing of the liberal federal government (who said nothing against him while he was doing it).  Once that happened it was open season on the corrupt SOB.  Today's news is that the bastard will be rotting in federal prison for the next 10 years for corruption.

During normal times there is no way this guy would have gone down hard like this.  These made men have literally been able to do whatever they want to whomever they want with impunity.  How else would Nagin have had even the remotest idea that he was going to get away with gun confiscation which was carried out literally at gun point?  I'm sure he had done much worse before that and the charges that put him in jail speak to that fact.  This is how the organized crime ring operates.  They are all out preaching what a bunch of lawless, can't-be-trusted fucks the rest of us are while they themselves are dirty rotten to the core.  They use our own laws against us.  They use our own honor against us.  They use our own unwillingness to shed their blood against us while at the same time they don't think twice about shooting and killing kids and then telling us that "it was within guidelines".  This is not simple crime, it's treason because it sends a message of lawlessness that runs so deep, so far, and so fast that it represents an existential threat to these United States.

Unluckily for him, Nagin's trial dragged out until the pendulum began to swing back to conservatism and it cliped him in its travel.  Now this once high and mighty crime capo is nothing.  He is less than nothing: a felon going to federal prison.  I can only imagine the things that will happen to him there. 

Let this be a lesson to any government employee reading my blog: the new conservatism is coming upon us quickly.  We conservatives know that not all government is bad but that there are concentrations of corruption that stink to high Heaven.  Do your duty and turn them in.  Follow the words of your Commander in Chief even if he didn't mean them to be turned against the crime syndicate that he inherited: if you see something, say something.  Do that and you can begin to live with your own conscience again.

There will be a mighty price to pay for those the new conservative wave finds participating in the liberal corruption that is running this country into the ground.  It does not mean GOP nor does it mean Democrat.  True conservatives value conservative values like honesty and truth.  They demand honest money and a good day's pay for a day of good labor.  They know that they must produce something before they consume it and that stealing from others does not count as economic production.  True liberals, regardless of political affiliation, are moral-free opportunists, parasites to the core, who would kill everyone in sight if it meant they could be rich and powerful.  Nagin is one less parasite for the rest of us to worry about.

Who's next?

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