Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Jim Shepherd's latest free newletter is worth a read.

Shepherd has been in top watching mode for many years but his logic is sound.  History will find him to have been often early but seldom wrong.  Enjoy his latest free newsletter.

One thing I have to correct Shepherd about: the Federal Reserve was not an "experiment" and its eventual failure will not be happenstance.  This was  preplanned scam, plain and simple, a con game from day one perpetrated by evil traitors upon the people of not just the USA but of the world.  In the coming economic carnage, desperation of the unprepared will soar.  Desperate people do desperate things.  The coming economic collapse will certainly bring with it some degree of societal collapse.  The degree of severity is semi chaotic and thus very difficult to gauge in advance.  It thus has a wide range of possible outcomes which range from a Greater Depression to the the flying apart of the EU to 1990s-Russia-type collapse of the US to, yes, global thermonuclear war.  This is just what people do during times like this when they have lost everything and thus feel they have nothing to lose: they "lose it".

So I want to completely dispel in advance any future (post crash) thoughts that we just got unlucky or that the powers that be did a misstep or that it was all accidental.  They knew it was in play and they warned those in the population who had the eyes to see using things like the Georgia Guidestones.  That was a very expensive project and someone did not set upon it lightly.  Yet it was paid for in full and completed.  The globalist message of the guidestones is perfectly clear.  They call for one world government. The warning that people should understand is that population should be kept to 500 million at a time when it was already several billion people.  Was this just a miscalculation?  The federal reserve was set up from the start as a way to have the American people do themselves in.  It was designed to drive fractional reserve credit into the economy in an upward spiral (like any other kind of pyramid scheme of which a debt Ponzi is one form) until its eventual collapse.  Perhaps they hope that most of us will do each other in so that we can get the numbers back down to the 500 million target.

Another thing that Shepherd probably overlooked was the fact that the velocity of money chart has nearly traced out 5 downward waves.  For the curious, here is a past post of mine in which I modeled the wave count of the velocity of money chart.  I clipped the 5th wave model from that post and put it beside the current VOM chart below to show the correlation is still intact.  I think we have another 6-8 months of VOM reduction before it begins to turn up strongly.  And with it will come price inflation in commodities as the hoarding begins.  I could be wrong about this timing in that so far the waves are all equal size.  Generally there is one of the 3 motive waves in a 5 wave sequence which is extended.  Given that it was not 1 or 3 then perhaps it will be 5.  Time will tell.

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