Sunday, June 29, 2014

Con men at BIS getting nervous, now sounding the warning bell...

As proof that the con men watch their models carefully and then do press releases to show everyone their concern after of course the damage is already done, the BIS just released their view that low interest rates "could" destabilize the global economy "permanently".  Of course, they are just trying to save face.  If you have been reading my blog for any period of time at all, you will recognize this as another con.  They know what is coming and they always knew how it would eventually have to turn out.  This is why they have been concentrating power, building militarized police forces that thing nothing about killing 80 year old innocent citizens in their beds and then telling us it was within department policy to do so.  This is even after they were caught in the bold faced lie that he approached them with a gun.  They now simply make it up as they go along.

It is nothing but blatant intimidation.  It is an old tactic and has been used many times before in the past on populations during the collapse phase of the con.  It is all they have left now that the people have lost faith in the government.  Anyone who thinks a soft landing is possible is smoking crack.  It cannot happen at this point.  They have distorted economic reality so far that a simple reversion to the mean (never minding the likely probability of an undershoot) is going to put millions of people in the position of "have nothing left to lose". 

As a result, there will be vastly increased crime, civil unrest, and possibly even civil, international or global war before this is over.  This is the real problem with the pump and dump money supply: the con men have to cover their tracks with "creative destruction" and it costs many, many lives to do so.  This is why their actions are not just criminal but rather rise to the level of crimes against humanity and outright treason.  This is why the death penalty should be considered for each of these banking elites after the shit hits the fan.  Jail is not good enough to send the message decades forward like it needs to be.  Regardless of what I think, something drastic will happen along these lines because the seeds have already been planted. Once the sheeple wake up there will be little place for the con men to run to.

So please, after the damage becomes apparent to people, tell them to forget all the reasons that the establishment will blame it on.  Tell them that yes, many people did see it coming and that no, it was not an act of God or random chance.  It was in fact an act of man, by man, against mankind and the silent weapon used to perpetrate it was nothing other than a fraudulent money supply consisting of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.  Everything else is noise designed to overload our brains and confuse us.  Be not confused in the coming years.

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