Sunday, June 29, 2014

Adding perspective to recent EWI marketing tease video.

I suggest you watch this short youtube video from Elliot Wave International.  Before you do, I will apologize in advance for the smarmy narrator, Bob Stokes.  The guy sounds like he is telling a bed time story to children.  I guess they think everyone out in the public is an idiot.  Or perhaps they are just playing the odds and in that case they would probably be right.

In any case, the video tells some truths which I want to make sure everyone understands fully.
  1. There is an unprecedented "wealth gap" between the very rich and the rest of us.
  2. Most of this "wealth" is paper wealth: accounting entries.  Yes some of these wealthy do trade their overpriced paper wealth in for hard assets like big houses, etc. but most of them keep their wealth in the system because they believe in the system.  Many of them make the mistake of chasing after art, much of it too new to even be notable, without understanding that when the money supply contracts art and diamonds will be the first things whose inflated values collapse.
  3. Similar circumstances were in place in 1929 and the crash through '32 "redistributed" the wealth again. 
In truth, the wealth back then wasn't really redistributed as Stokes suggests.  That wealth was simply the bloated valuation of assets whose prices had been chased up by a rapidly expanding money supply.  The monetary base was not the big culprit back then just like it is not the big culprit today.  It was and is the credit portion of the money supply that created all of the asset value bubbles.  When the credit disappears so will the fake valuations of their stocks, their bonds, their mansions and everything else that is not a hard economic asset.

Since the rich were the main beneficiaries of the credit expansion (having gotten first and most access to credit early in the game through their corrupt connections with lawmakers and others in cahoots with the federal reserve), they will be the most affected when the credit collapses.  You think the humble work-a-day Mexican laborer is going to give a shit when the stock market collapses?  NOOOOOO!  They do real work for a living.  They build real things, hard assets.  Their needs are few and they live within their humble means.  They did not trade off the old social security net of a large family for the new, fraudulent, un-keepable promise of retirement age security guaranteed by government and paper assets.  The meek shall indeed inherit the Earth after the collapse.  The pump has benefited the rich and hurt the working classes.  The dump will dump for everyone but the workers will recover very rapidly and then the used-to-be-paper-rich can mow their own fucking lawns and fix their own fucking cars.  

Bottom line: fiat currency and especially fractional reserve credit are indeed, as I have written many, many times in these pages, essentially a naked shorting of human labor.  The collapse of the fraudulent money supply will be a short squeeze on the money elite who have been shorting us.  They need us a lot more than we need them.  This whole idea that working people will not be able to work without some monied elite overlord class to guide and direct us is fucking hogwash.  We don't need them at all!  We do all the work, they get all the benefit.  And then in order to quiet the workers, they increase inflation and raise minimum wages as if that fixes everything.  NO!  It just makes gas and milk $8 a gallon and a trip to burger king for lunch starts to be $18 out the door.

We need to get rid of the fake money supply in order to actually receive the buying power in our wages that we worked to earn.  This is the message that they really do not want us to understand.  How many people in the world do you think understand this?  One in 10000?   Precious few to be sure but this will not be the case much longer.  I'm watching for signs that the truth is spreading across the herd.  When it begins to do so, it will move literally like wild fire.  The people will not be happy about it when they finally wake from the slumber induced by the credit drug.  They will blame everyone else except themselves: Mark and Patsy, USA.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, not the brightest talk from EWI. Real wealth doesn't collapse overnight, only paper-wealth, ledger figures, does. Paper-wealth is nothing but someone else's liability, a promise.

    But, thanks to fiat currency and fractional banking, the promise doesn't have to be backed by any tangible asset, it's a naked short on real wealth and on real value-adding activity. One is shorted by fiat currency, which inflates real wealth, savings, away, unless it's a hard asset. The other is shorted by the miracle of fractional banking, which makes labor irrelevant when something is created out of thin air, out of nothing.

    It works wonderfully, if you are well connected and for a time. Otherwise, it crushes savers and workers and, eventually, the conmen themselves when they become each other's marks, when they are the only ones who believe the con. Not sincerely, but farcically, as they have no choice, lest they cause a stampede among the populace and they end up hanging from lamp posts.

    This was as true in the 30s as it is now: only the paper-wealth evaporates as the sun rises. Real wealth shines brighter under the light.


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