Friday, October 25, 2013

Children and idiots are figuring out that they are Obama patsies.

Informed visionaries (AKA "conspiracy theorists") hated Bush 2 but knew that Obama was the same thing, different skin color.  We also knew Romney would be the same.  The reason we knew (and know) this is that these presidents are selected, not elected.  The two party political system of the US is completely corrupt.  Instead of talking about things that really matter to a sustainable nation such as freedom, honest money and personal self sufficiency via the tried and true mechanism of living within one's means, these con men push exactly the opposite.  Their God is debt.  It is the God of slavery.

Bush 2 pushed the concept of a home ownership society knowing it was really home debtorship.  Do you really think he had or has any economic understanding?  Bush 1 was a clever, manipulating bastard of a scammer.  Even if you hated him, you had to respect the fact that he was no dummy.  But the best part of Bush 2 landed in the bush during his conception.  He's an elitist half wit drunk who thought he was clever as he did the bidding of his masters.

Obama is somewhere in between the Bushes in terms of intelligence.  First and foremost he is a damned liar.  He makes wild promises that have absolutely zero chance of coming true and he does it with an arrogant, "can't be wrong" attitude.  He is a true narcissist.  Libertarians recognized Obama as a scum bag and con man from day freaking one.  We stood there as the sheeple, who call us names and who think their degrees and honors mean a damned thing in real life, fawned all over him as their new messiah.  It was a vomit inducing, gut wrenching spectacle to say the least.  The Romney crowd was no different.  The real motto of both of these camps was/is "me, me me.".  That's all these losers say, think and do.  They repeat it so many times that they actually begin to believe their own bull$hit.

But now the veil is wearing thin as you can see by this admission from a typical member of the soft-socialist "government can make a better world if we all just agree that it takes a village" crowd.  Watch the video, I dare you.  To his credit, this child has partially swallowed his pride concerning his mistakes and is calling on Obama to resign for all of the tyrannical behavior that it has been responsible for.  Of course, instead of taking personal responsibility for being a gullible ass whose simplistic beliefs have f-ed the country up for the rest of us, this moron thinks that by stating the obvious at this point that Obama will give two $hits.  It is not the con man's fault that he is a con man.  A criminal is a criminal.  It is in his DNA.  Criminals  live by the credo "never give a sucker an even break".  It is the patsy's fault for falling for it.  Obama's entire campaign spiel was so obviously a con that only a foolish, gullible child would ever fall for it.

So while this kid rightfully points out that Obama is a lying scam artist I fear that he really didn't learn any lesson from his experience.  I didn't hear him personally apologizing to the American people for supporting  Obama and for voting for him. I didn't hear him say "I coulda had Ron Paul but instead I chose the good looking, well spoken con artist.  Shame on ME.".  

Unfortunately, that's par for the course for the liberal left.  Another mainstream liberal socialist a$$ like Hillary will show up in 2016 and these patsies will show that they really didn't learn anything by supporting her and voting for her.  She is just another main stream Manchurian candidate.  She has no special insight, vision or intelligence.  Benghazi simply blew her away.  But she has a strong speaking voice and is never at a loss for words and so the sheeple will probably fall back on their short lived memories and support her.  If that happens I can tell you in advance that it will end very badly.  All she can do is rack up more debt and make more un-keepable promises to the children who follow her.  The military industrial complex (unholy conspiratorial alliance of military, corporations, banking system and government) will control her like a puppet and use her as a pied piper to lead the rats into the river just like they have done with every main stream president to varying degrees since Ike finished his presidency.

Folks, the only things that need to be discussed by the next president are how government will address its own corruption, how we will stop printing money and creating debt even if it causes massive short term problems, how we will achieve small, less intrusive government that pulls out of all the foreign entanglements, and how the constitution will be restored in full to the citizens. 

NOTHING else matters.  
  • Not abortion, not immigration, not same sex unions. 
  • All of these are mainly emotional topics. 
  • None of them will lead us back to health as a nation. 
  • That is the bottom line.  

So if you voted for Obama or Romney, wake the flock up.  Stop being controlled by the lame stream media.  Start listening to those who had the vision and understanding of economics and history and human nature that allowed them to predict what is unfolding right now with such incredible accuracy.  Ignore the stupid headlines.  The news is free because it is not being done for you but rather to you.

1 comment:

  1. As a pro-life activist, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Both sides play the people on both sides of this question, get the votes and then do nothing but pander to the highest campaign contributors while maintaining the status quo.

    But this is par for the course for politicians, no surprise. The worst part is that people really believe that politicians are the answer to their side, while they warm their couches righteously in front of the TV.


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