Friday, October 25, 2013

The Free Market and its Enemies

Greg McCoach wrote a nice short article today over at Wealth Daily entitled, "The Free Market and its Enemies".  I think it is worth reading, especially if you have the feeling that something is going on but you cannot really put your finger on what it is.  It starts off with a perfectly true quote by the author of Atlas Shrugged"

"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others."
— Ayn Rand

The truth of this statement cannot be overemphasized and IMO it must be continuously emphasized because it is so easy to forget.  Government presents itself as the controller of everything.  Controller of freedom, controller of prosperity and even controller of happiness in many cases.  But government has nothing of its own.  Everything it has was either taken from the people or borrowed in the name of the people.  The only way that government can keep up this appearance is to keep up the illusion.  It must keep people in the system that it does indeed control at gunpoint of police services and threat of prison.

Government's goal in all of this is to obtain something for nothing.  Instead of working hard and adding value to society and to the economy, huge portions of government, as much as 70% IMO, focus on figuring out how to be an effective parasite on the rest of us.  They want to possess our money without doing anything to earn it. Since money is an invention whose goal is to be a proxy for labor, government's goal, in the simplest terms, is to partially enslave the rest of us.  This is not hyperbole.  It is a technical statement of fact.   Theft of our money, that is to say, property earned through labor, is how big government works.  You really don't have any say in the taxes collected.  If you don't like it they garnish your wages and/or put you in jail.  Fail to pay property taxes and they send armed thugs into your home and put you out on the curb.  These are facts.  It's happening every day all over this once great country.

There is one huge way to protect yourself and it was Alan Greenspan of all people who explained it in clear terms before he sold out to the Federal Reserve and then became the spokesperson for the status quo banking elite.  Remember, Greenspan was a friend of Ayn Rand before he turned to the dark side.  In this essay, Greenspan tells us how to achieve economic freedom.  Let's face it, there is no personal freedom without economic freedom.  Poor people are not free.  They are beholden.  Only those who are not dependent on government for their living are free.  This freedom gives the power of self defense and of self determination in a nonviolent mainstream (i.e. no running gun battles every day in downtown Austin TX) society.

This article is no less than riveting to any student of economics.  Or at least it would be if students were ever taught this material.  Instead, it lurks on the web waiting for something inside each of us to wake up, smell the trouble go looking for answers online.  The whole thing is worth reading 3 times but the last two bits are of special note.  Here is the first:

"If banks can continue to loan money indefinitely — it was claimed — there need never be any slumps in business. And so the Federal Reserve System was organized in 1913."

So there you have it folks, the true purpose of the Federal Reserve is laid bare by the man would would go on to lead it for many years.  Forget the marketing cover story about "price stability" and "low unemployment".  The fed really cannot guarantee these things.  They simply sound benevolent to the ears of unenlightened sheeple.  They are nothing but happy talk which are completely discounted by the facts.

The true purpose of the Federal Reserve was, is and will always be to enable its member banks to continue to loan money indefinitely.  This keeps the money elite awash in a constant flow of interest payments.  This is cash that they receive for doing nothing more than printing money up from thin air and doing the accounting paperwork to keep track of their monthly gains.  Imagine being able to collect rent on real estate that you controlled without ever having had to work in order to purchase it in the first place. The creation of these virtual assets means that you work a real job to provide the income to people who never had anything real in hand in the first place.  It is Tom Sawyer getting everyone else to whitewash his fence.  It is a con, pure and simple.

The other zinger from Greenspan's essay follows:

"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. ...The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.

This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard."

The term "property rights" is very closely linked to "personal sovereignty" and "freedom".  Slaves cannot own property.  Only non-slaves can do this.  Greenspan says in nearly so many words that the statist's goal is to enslave you.  If there is no protector of property rights then there is no protector of freedom.  It really is as simple as that.  Once the middle class is wiped out and everyone is dependent on government for everything then that's when the real hardcore tyranny will show up.  Government which is not controlled by the citizens will control the citizens, usually via terrorist threats of physical force, violence, fines or imprisonment.

Greenspan importantly says "If one grasps this".  In other words, he does not assume this to be an easy task for mind washed, propaganda-fed masses.  Greenspan is asking you to suspend disbelief in the fact that things that are happening are not random chance.  There is an agenda and Obama and the RINOs have risen to become the poster boys for it.

There are only three ways out.  The first is for the sheeple to wake up en masse and throw the bums out.  This is much harder than it might appear because when you can finance campaigns and promise giveaways using money printed from thin air then you can buy a lot of loyalty from those who would put their personal short term interest above their long term interests to say nothing of the rest of the country.  The second is for armed uprising which would be very destructive.  I hope it does not come to this but the odds of it are rising with each move by Obama.  The herd is very stressed and he doesn't care.  He only has a couple years left to really F the country and he is going to do his best to leave his socialism legacy as a stain in the history books of America. 

The third is to follow Greenspan's advice: move everything you have into gold and silver to the extent possible.  This will collapse the system very rapidly.  Without our assets in their banks there is no way anyone will continue to loan the US the vast sums of money need to keep the high levels of corruption going which fuel the drive toward socialism.  If everyone would just go to the bank, pull all their cash out at once and buy gold and silver, the game would be over in a matter of less than 6 months.  The banks would collapse, the government would collapse and we would get to re-write our future.  Failure to do one of these three things will eventually result in far worse a fate.  There is no painless path to recovery.

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