Thursday, September 1, 2011

Advice from NASA: "Be Prepared"

With a nod and a wink, "Administrator Bolden" takes just a few seconds to tell everyone in NASA to put together an emergency preparedness plan.  No matter if you are on the East coast, West coast or Gulf coast, or on the Great Lakes he wants his people to have a communications plan with their family, and to be prepared.  Prepared for what?  He doesn't really say.  Just be prepared, that's all.  Be prepared for anything.  Especially, apparently, if you live near a large body of water.   Or maybe he doesn't care about his employees living inland.  Who's to say?  Before I continue on I have to say, what kind of a hokie communist/fascist sounding title is "Administrator Bolden"?  Would that be Herr Administrator?  Comrade Administrator?  Maybe one day they can get Louis Gosset Jr. to play him in the movie.  Bureaucrats make me sick.  They're almost as bad as bankers, really.

In any case, Bolden's video was put together in June 2011.  This is not some long standing thing that has been policy for years.  In fact, Herr Kommissar's web site says, "Over the past year there has been an emphasis placed on the importance of Family/Personal Preparedness by Administrator Bolden for the entire NASA family. We have developed a set of informational guides designed to prepare you, your families and pets for emergencies." Herr Administrator is clearly warning his peeps about some new perceived threat.   Herr Administrator says that he "became aware" of some things that concern him.  Did he suddenly decide that current emergency planning measures were lax or was he briefed on some new threat? 

Try not to be slow here, OK?

So where did all this come about?  Oh, that's right, from FEMA.  They had an "Eagle Horizon" exercise whose purpose is to practice COOP: Continuity of Operations.  That's elite-speak for "in case the shit hits the fan".  What exactly are they preparing for?  From the COOP web site: "all hazards including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters."  Gee, there's that natural disasters thing again, the same clause that was the red herring for the Maastricht Treat's general bailout clause.  Clearly that is not what they are preparing for.  Look at all the natural disasters that have happened, yet none of these disasters seem to be kicking off the contingency plans being practiced by FEMA. 

In addition, not one of the disasters have even the most remote potential of threatening continuity of US government operations (AKA operation "protect the elite").  In terms of natural disasters it would take a planet Nibiru type event (see 2012 nuts all over the Internet if you don't know what that means) to cause the US to have to have legitimate worries about Continuity of Operations.  FEMA is are not talking about state level continuity here folks.   FEMA et. al are practicing and planning for the risk that something much bigger will occur. 

Since I don't believe in 2012 or Nibiru or any of that new age BS, the only thing left that could affect the country as a whole would be a complete monetary collapse which leaves us open to all manner of unpleasantness - and all of it man made.  Don't laugh.  It happened to the USSR just a couple of decades ago and for the same reasons as we here in the US are now at risk: we have an empire of debt and the sheeple are finally waking up to the fact that they have been getting fleeced for going on decades

Comrade Bolden does go out of his way to include in his warning "think about attacks that could come from ... outside forces...".  Is he talking about space aliens?  Even though he's with NASA I would have to say "Nah".  More likely the Chinese using their new aircraft carriers to come get what's owed them, or a renewed warring Russia which sees a chance to get even for the cold war or, just as likely as either of those, a civil war by Americans who got screwed by the fraudulent money supply leading them to believe they have nothing to lose. 

Well, neither FEMA nor NASA know any better than you or I do what the future will bring but it's clear they are taking some threat fairly seriously.  Come to think of it, it might not be a bad idea to check on my spare food and medicines...

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