Wednesday, October 27, 2021

You can't have it both ways, Andrew.

Yahoo finance has an article written by some dude named Andrew Romano which discusses whether or not Ron DeSantis should be given credit for Florida's complete collapse of active covid cases.  Look at the guy's face.  Can you already figure out what his conclusion was just by the lack of ear lobes?


If not, here is a shot that shows this lobe-less liberal loser:


In the article Romano takes us through all the reasons why DeSantis cannot be credited for Florida's low covid numbers.  And to be honest, I agree with some of what he says.  Covid does come and go in waves and if you give me a chart I can tell you with 70% certainty what will happen next.  Waves of motion are what the universe is based on.

This being the case, what do you think will happen the next time a big wave of covid hits Florida?  Will Romano write another article saying "don't blame DeSantis for covid"?  Of course he won't.  That would be fair and balanced reporting which is something you cannot expect from the liberal hive mind.

What we CAN say about Florida is that DeSantis did set up state sponsored therapeutic treatment stations for anyone who got sick, vax or no vax.  The monoclonal antibody treatments were offered by the state free of charge to those in need.  He also avoided all the economic shut downs and mask mandates that just were medical theater anyway.

Politicians are not gods.  They cannot be expected to work miracles.  But you should expect them to use money that all citizens chipped in to be used to help all citizens in need when it comes to something like this bioweapon release plandemic.  THAT is what DeSantis should be praised for, not the current covid numbers de jour because, as Romano reminds us, these come in waves that nobody can really predict or prevent.

Romano goes on to talk about covid deaths in Florida without even a single mention of the high number of retirees and old people in the state.  So it's just more skewed leftist propaganda trying to masquerade as news.

I think it would be of use to review how many people in Florida didn't commit suicide because of lack of authoritarian government pressure and compare that to mental illness and suicide in those states with all the lockdowns and mandates.  I don't think we can ever expect liberal Andrew to comment on that.

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