Saturday, October 2, 2021

The New Yorker's "Supply-Chain Mystery"

Well what can I say.  I predicted supply chain interruptions would be a clear sign of the end times for the Global Debt Ponzi.  I also predicted that people would say they never saw it coming and would either not know the reason or would blame it on everything under the sun except the actual root cause.

And so here we have The New Yorker calling the supply chain interruptions "a mystery".  But no worries, they will clue us all in!!  The reason for such broad based supply chain interrupts is a combination of Labor shortages, covid and of course Hurricane Ida.

Yup, mystery solved.  Move along now, you've just had The New Yorker, that renowned authority on the subject of math, history, logic and economics, tell us what it's all about.  Never mind that the author, Amy Davidson Sorkin has no background in economics or anything else of value.  She's just another blah blah Harvard grad with a bachelor of arts in social studies (according to her wiki page).  Why someone with so little talent even gets a wiki page should be discussed.  I think its just another proof point of what the founder of wikipedia said - it's turned into a leftist propaganda machine.

In any case Amy Sorkin hasn't the first clue about what is actually going on.  Like all liberals, shes just spewing what her emotional self thinks sounds right.  I can tell you she did not predict the explosion of the federal reserve's balance sheet and the arrival of rapidly rising prices like I did in Q4 2019 in these very pages.

So listen to self absorbed Amy if you like or listen to me if you want the real story which is that our fake money is dying and that all of what you see, including covid is a direct result of that.  We know covid was man made in a wuhan virology lab which was paid for by the US. We know that it is the result of enhancement of function, which is just fancy talk for it being a bio-weapon.  It's release was no accident.  There are just too many coincidences.  The US deep state needed cover fire for its requirement to blow up the fed's balance sheet.

People are mad because they are scared.  A scared herd is a dangerous herd.  We now see how the scared left wants to push everyone into the death clot shot, and then the booster 1-2 and 3 and then the next booster and it will never fucking stop.  During this first round of shots some people got sick.  During the next round of boosters, that count will skyrocket.  The booster round is where I think we really will have to stop denying that the covid shot is a great danger in and of itself.

We are still in the very early stages of this collapse.  It's going to get a LOT worse.  The debt hasn't even gone into a collapse mode yet and the country is already nearly at the state of civil war.  People are being fired from their jobs left and right for unwillingness to vax and now congress is trying to make a law saying no vax, no air travel.  Really, you can't make this crazy $hit up.

So let me tell you what is really going on now.  The left knows that the country is 2 steps from a revolution and that is just what it wants, and the sooner the better.  It knows that the Global Debt Ponzi is going to collapse in the next couple years no matter what and so its best play is to push the people toward acts of war which they can then call domestic terrorism.  So basically, you pressure people by removing their income, stopping them from freely traveling, etc.   You do whatever you can for people to start shooting here and there and then you declare martial law and use the military to take over the country by force.

We ain't seen bad yet but it's darned sure coming.  If the left wins the 2022 midterms despite the fact that everyone thinks biden's administration is an embarrassing global joke then it will have to be understood that massive voter fraud is indeed happening. Whenever biden goes someplace the only people there to greet him are detractors who boo him.  Football stadiums around the country regularly break into chants of F---k Joe Biden and somehow we are supposed to believe that he has any popularity at all?  If it's not a total snuff at the mid term polls I see no way out of this without a shooting war.

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