Friday, October 22, 2021

Southwest CEO shows his true liberal colors.

It is a basic tenet that liberals have no absolute standards of morality.  They call this trait "relativism" which simply means that everything in the world revolves around humans, and what the human thinks, wants and does.  

Contrast that with the conservative perspective that there are absolute standards for everything including right and wrong, moral and amoral.  The proof of this is that conservatives believe that the ten commandments are the absolute minimum standard of morality.  There is also the golden rule and several other guidelines, but they are not commandments (G_d's law).

One very good indicator of whether someone has absolute standards of morality is whether their view on things changes based on how their view will affect their personal prosperity.  You see a bunch of pro sports figures who clearly say "I didn't want to take the vax but otherwise I would lose my contract".  Those people's main focus is the acquisition of Mammon Money.  Others very clearly say, "I'm turning down the big money because I don't want the vax for myself and I don't think it should be forced on others at pain of losing their income".  

So now let's apply this to Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly who not long ago said publicly that all employees must get the vax or lose their job.  But then Southwest employees gave him the big FUCK YOU by staging a stealth work shutdown.  The news was very public and it pushed Southwest back on its heels to the point where it had to make up obvious lies about the weather and staffing issues (in that order).  Of course, no other flights were cancelled by other airlines and so the point was made - this was a focused protest by SWAir personnel only and thus had nothing to do with anything except push back on the vax.

Well, SWAir lost $75million in revenue over that weekend and also pissed off a LOT of customer, stranding them all over the country and not providing much accommodation.  I have done a significant amount of air travel in my life.  As of last count, there have been 47 trips to Taiwan, 4 trips to mainland china, a trip to Scotland, a trip to Denmark, 4 trips to Israel, 1 trip to Hong Kong, 10+ direct flights into the Bahamas  and countless trips within CONUS.  I can tell you that for frequent travelers, travel sucks.  I hope I never have to take another overseas flight again.  Frequent travelers do not quickly get over bad travel experiences.  And we know that if it happens once it could happen again.

So SWAir not only lost that 75mn in revs but I can guarantee you there will be a knock on effect that ripples through the company's finances for at least the next 1-2 quarters, minimum.  What has happened here is that the tyrant biden has told his paid minions that they either force the vax on their workforces or the next time the country goes into depression there will be no federal bailout cash heading their way.

So all these CEOs have sold their souls for Mammon Money and now their boss is throwing them under the bus.  When I told you the conservative counter punch was coming this is exactly the kind of thing I was referring to.  You can push and abuse the herd only so far but then comes the Battle of Kruger where all the trouble makers get gored.

We ain't seen bad yet.  We ain't even see uncomfortable yet.  We ain't seen nothing yet.  But it is damned sure coming.  Prepare now, thank me later.

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