Sunday, October 17, 2021

Not too much longer now, I fear.

When conservative people start looking and sounding like this you better understand that the pressure cooker is at great risk of blowing up.

I will say it again for the cheap seats: you moderate dems are not doing enough to shut down your radical elements. When angry people with guns begin shooting, do you think you will be able to tell your story and explain how you really didn't agree with it all but were too much of a coward to break ranks??  This, I'm afraid, is not going to save you.  

To any LGBTQeieio that might happen upon my blog, I implore you to listen to me.  STAND DOWN. Sit your gay asses back down and shut up.  You've made your point but if you keep going you will be digging your graves.  This is not a threat from me.  People who do me wrong personally should worry what I will do to them back.  But people who have not wronged me that I know of will have no trouble from me.  But I am just one and there are many many others.  And many of them have been legitimately wronged by the hyperliberal crazed left.

I'm telling you, if you don't stand down, armed men are going to come for you and put you down.  And once they start they will have zero reason to stop until they feel the problem is completely solved.  It will not be "oh, let's just kill the loud/arrogant ones".  NO.  History is very clear on the fact that humans don't work like that.  They will say the only good gay is a dead gay.  That is completely wrong IMO, but that is what I know they will say.

You "weird" folks think you are powerful right now because the moral conservative silent majority has done very little except turn the other cheek.  You could not be more wrong.  The silent moral majority outnumbers you 3:1 and outguns you 20:1.  Your smart ass attitude thinks the cops will save you from revenge. I'm telling you, the cops will either look the other way or they will join in because cops go with the flow. They are pussies.  They are in it to win it for themselves and they don't give a shit about you. No way are the cops going to stand up to angry, gun toting conservatives who have decided to go on the warpath.

Don't believe me?  Harken back to Bundy Ranch. The cops thought they would just overpower everyone with 200 men, hundreds of vehicles, a ton of tractor trailers that they were going to cart Bundy's cattle away in, snipers, helicopter and comm posts.  But then the conservative AR15 toting militia rolled in and set up sniper kill zones.  They came out ready for a fight.  And so the cops tucked tail and literally ran away while all the militia members spit at them as they left.  The cops are pussies unless they have all the advantages in the world and when the conservatives work together in a fight the cops will have nothing but disadvantages.  Thus, I guarantee you they will not fight.

Liberals, I hope something is stirring in your pseudo intellectual pea brains because I honestly do not want to see anyone get hurt.  But when you put a gauge on a steam kettle whose blowout tab is 150 and the current reading is 145 and rising, well, get a freaking clue!  Look Kyle Rittenhouse, a minor, took out 2 antifa fools and blew another one's biceps clean off with his AR15.  And Rittenhouse wasn't even using any guerilla tactics.  What do you think is going to happen if the dam bursts and conservatives decide that there can be no peace without the eradication of left-wired minds?

Now would be a very, very good time to think about it.  The guy in that video was not just blowing off steam.

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