Saturday, October 9, 2021

Douglas Murray nails it on the head.

Just watch 2 minutes from this pointer into a Tucker Carlson interview of author Douglas Murray.

Today the right is about freedom, the left is about authoritarianism and their chief weapon is doublespeak (saying one thing but meaning exactly the opposite).  He says (loosely paraphrased of course):

  • centrist dems are figuring out that their side's leadership is fucked in the head.
  • the far right is easy to see where it goes wrong but the left is very clever in concealing its wrongs
    • they have "an amazingly clever dictionary"  of doublespeak where:
      • equity = discrimination
      • fairness = unfairness on an amazing scale
      • justice = revenge

And in response to that, Tucker says that "we didn't see this coming".  Yes folks, exactly what I said they were going to say.  And the reason is exactly as I always said it was going to be: the debt is rising in the straight up portion of the exponential curve and so it is pulling in events to happen more quickly per unit time. 

Tucker goes on to day that people who say nothing and allow all this cray cray shit to happen without any opposition are complicit cowards.  This is of course, because they are scared.  But I have made the direct connection, and have had this for many years now, between the fact that I know I will die pretty soon of old age and thus, knowing this is inescapable, that I have nothing to fear.  Certainly not from man!  I thus cannot be frightened.  What are they going to do, kill me? ?  Not before I have a trigger fest at their expense, I assure you.

It makes no sense to be herded into fear.  All it does is tear you down as a person and make you weak and pliable.  In the words of Project Veritas, "Be Brave.  Do Something".  Even if that something is simply talking about things without being afraid of being labeled.  I ASSURE you that the liberal message is going to collapse anyway.  So while I say be brave, I do not say that you should do it with the only intention of driving change. Chances are, you won't.  I've been speaking plainly for more than a decade now and I've driven almost no change, even in immediate family.

No, the reason you should be brave is for you, not for someone else.  When this whole shit show collapses people will have no choice but to look back and judge themselves.  At that point you will either be able to credibly say you were brave and you did what you could, or you will have to admit that you were a complicit coward.  Sorry folks, this is not my desire or my opinion.  It simply is the truth.  It's human nature.  So unless you want to live the rest of your life knowing you tried to play it safe in order to stay out of the attack vector of those who are trying to hurt us all, be brave and do something.


  1. Hi Cap'n,

    Reading your column popped a couple of thoughts in my mind, by Ten Years After, and Jimi Hendrix.

    "I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do...
    So I'll leave it up to you...

    I like the song, but have always thought that this was a defeatist attitude.
    I agree with you; be brave and do what you can. Stand your ground, don't back down, and protect your own. But then what?

    And Jimi's quote...

    “I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.”

    I've never understood why some people seemingly cannot mind their own business, so I guess that I'm a born conservative, even while raised in a democratic family. Of course today, JFK would be a staunch, populist conservative. How can there possibly be so many people with an insatiable desire to tell you how you should, how you MUST, live your life?! And also as many people so scared by the natural vicissitudes of life that they willingly give up their freedoms? There has to be something that strong lovers of liberty can do to wrest control back from the tyrants on the left.

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

  2. Where's that "like" button. I need a like button in the comments. ; )

    Simply by commenting openly here, you have done something. Do you realize that? All the other silent, anonymous readers of my blog could have commented and added their voices but they didn't and you did. But since you did, it gets easier for others to do so as well. If not in these pages, then with family or friends or in comments elsewhere. And once the herd, that moral conservative majority, all decides to move in unison and with purpose, the very ground will tremble.

    You know, just like happened at the battle of Kruger...


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