Sunday, October 24, 2021

Check out this EU parliament push back on vax mandates

Well if it was me saying something against the notion that someone can force a vax on me then I can see how many would not listen to my statements that the worm is turning and we are at peak vax mania insanity right now.  But when even members of the EU parliament push back then to me it is saying something.  

While it is not reported in US press, massive protests are occurring worldwide against forced vax and against the creation of a two speed society based on whether you have the vax or not.  While it sounds like a conspiracy theorist's overreach, this is exactly what the Aussie government is admitting to in public.  Here is where Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg announced that if covid numbers reach a paltry 600 patients that they will impose restrictions on unvax people.  And of course to do this they will need to implement some kind of Nazi-style "papers".

They are doing this despite the fact that the science says that new covid cases hit vax and unvax at the same rate.

The left is overplaying its hand big time.  It almost seems like they need an ongoing civil crisis so that they can distract from massively rising prices. This is a very dangerous game.  The herd can quickly go from docile where it watches the authorities take down other herd members one by one, and even takes the children of herd members down one by one to a situation where the herd suddenly begins to react.  You know, just like I said was always going to eventually happen, the Battle of Kruger.  This is where the stupid authoritarian fools will learn a painful lesson about fucking with the silent conservative moral majority too much and as if no consequences are possible.

Many people are afraid of leftist authoritarianism of taking over.  I don't think that is any kind of threat at all.  I think the real threat is that there is a major war and most of the left is killed off, wiped out.  If they keep pushing buttons that is what I see happening even though it would be a sad state of affairs for us all.  But with that said, there is a lot of unhinged arrogance coming from the left at this point and I will have trouble shedding too many tears when it blows up in their faces.

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